
理解すること、理解されることUnderstanding and being understood


I'm in Tokyo this week.


Since returning to Japan, I've had numerous meals with friends. While the content of our conversations varies each time (I have many friends with intriguing connections, haha), the overall feeling I get is that "understanding and being understood" is challenging.


I was once on the other side too, but when you're walking the "typical" life path, it's easy to fall into the illusion that it's the natural way of things. For example, thinking "weekends are for enjoyment" or "payday means your salary is deposited." However, this is just one narrative of the world.


When you experience life off this "typical" route, your worldview changes dramatically. For instance, working as a freelancer blurs the concepts of "weekend" and "payday." You get the sense that every day is both a workday and a holiday. The reality of unstable income, where sometimes you receive large payments and other times nothing at all. These experiences teach you that what was considered "normal" is actually just one of many lifestyle options.

例え、他の世界のことを知っていたとしても、日常でどのような人と接するか、で人は大きく変わるのだと思います。"You are the average of five people you surround with" という言葉がありますが、まさにその通りで、違和感だと思っていたものが、いつの間にかNormlに変わり、何も感じないようになってしまうのです。

Even if you know about other worlds, I think people change greatly depending on who they interact with in their daily lives. There's a saying, "You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with," and it's exactly true. What once felt strange gradually becomes normal, and you stop noticing it altogether.


This phenomenon is also prominent in cultural aspects. After a long stay abroad, when you return to Japan, you might feel a sense of discomfort with habits and ways of thinking that you once considered normal. For instance, there are many situations where you strongly feel cultural differences, such as how to greet people or build relationships. However, as time passes, that sense of discomfort fades, and you gradually readjust to "Japanese" patterns of thinking and behavior.


Often, when I return to Japan and meet people wearing a set of T-shirt, shorts, and sandals, I'm told I look "Southeast Asian-like." But the current climate in Japan, especially Tokyo, is hotter than Bali, and considering prices and exchange rates, it's more Southeast Asian than Southeast Asia itself. I'm sure people would feel this if they traveled, but those memories fade with daily life and get pushed aside somewhere.


I've gone off on a tangent, but except for a few people and places, I feel that my lifestyle and life perspective are still often misunderstood. Even when talking, if I'm not understood, I can't really get excited. While we can release dopamine and serotonin through creative activities or interacting with nature, my current hypothesis is that the secretion of oxytocin might require this "being understood."


Indeed, humans are social animals with an instinct to seek connections and understanding from others. Oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone," is said to play a role in deepening trust and bonds. It's quite possible that when our thoughts and experiences are understood and accepted, this hormone is secreted, leading to mental stability and a sense of happiness.


In today's society, often described as stressful, it will become increasingly important to scientifically understand our physical and mental states and explore ways to lead them to better conditions. Seeking a lifestyle that naturally brings a sense of happiness and fulfillment. Not just life hacks, but hormone hacks. Perhaps we've already entered such an era.

