
English diaries

English diaries for English learning. 英語学習のための日記。


#49 31. aug. 2021

#49 31. aug. 2021

Today, I finally practice the sax ten days after. Gosh, I forgot many.
Though it made me disappointed, I enjoyed playing. The best part of practising the musical instrument is it’s enjoyable.
There we

#48 30. Aug. 2021

#48 30. Aug. 2021

Well, there’s a frying squirrel in the garden. It comes to the window frame on the 1st floor at night, scratches the wood endlessly, making crunchy noises.
I’m staying in the living room, on the couch

#47 29.Aug.2021

#47 29.Aug.2021

Today was a sunny Sunday; it's still rare. So I had a plan, but I felt dizzy in the morning and spent many hours on the couch with Tim. What a shame.
I went to a milk shop to return the used bins, the

#46 28.Aug.2021

#46 28.Aug.2021

Finally, I went on an hour hike which is usually my weekend habit in the summer and the spring.
It was early afternoon, beautifully sunny and silent in the woods. I was surprised that many hikers are

#45 27. Aug.2021

#45 27. Aug.2021

OK, for me it is impossible to write this diary every day. it’s funny, but I thought that I wrote it every day!
I actually feel like a week is four days, too many Todos on my plate.
What I can do ever

#44 24.Aug.2021

#44 24.Aug.2021

I have three company training I hadn’t finished because I’m busy.
But I cannot choose the timing, so I’ve done all last night.
For one of them, I couldn’t find the importance of the training, and one

#43 23. Aug. 2021

#43 23. Aug. 2021

I can’t believe how quickly every day has gone!
Do I waste time? I ask myself at the end of the day. The answer is sometimes yes, and sometimes no.
Time flys.

#42 22.Aug.2021

#42 22.Aug.2021

By the way, I started this English diary in Note because I have the account, but as an English (or for any western languages) text editor, Note was the horrible choice so far as I could choose.
This e

#41 21.Aug.2021

#41 21.Aug.2021

My father has difficulty hearing in one of his ears. He says it's one of the symptoms of diabetes.
Although he sometimes gets angry with me because he can not hear me, he doesn't usually wear the hea

#40 20. Aug. 2021

#40 20. Aug. 2021

By the way, I haven't booked an English lesson which triggers me started this diary. What a crap.
I realised that there are so many things I want to do other than everyday work.
So if I work more than


#39 19. Aug. 2021

Rainy day again.
Today at lunch break, it finally stopped raining in a short time period, though, so I went to the river nearby my house (5 min work from here).
The amount of water that came from the

#38 18. Aug. 2021

#38 18. Aug. 2021

A trough of air pressure is lying above the Japan archipelago these days. Usually, it causes headaches for me, but this time it feels like I always attached some heavyweight. It’s exhausting, and I sl

#37 17. Aug. 2021

#37 17. Aug. 2021

It's rainy every day. Not like usual showers in the mountainside, but the real continuous rains. I work at the dining table, listening to the raindrops hit the millions of leaves on the trees and grou

#36 16. Aug. 2021

#36 16. Aug. 2021

I think this is a very usual habit, but I vaguely plan what to do in the day.
But my father doesn't seem to think like that. He seems to think that he can make me work as he wants.
This morning, even
