
【衝撃:アンガーマネジメントは恋愛関係にしか効果がない】Physical, Verbal, and Relational Aggression: The Role ofAnger Management Strategies





  • アグレッションには敵意や怒りへの帰属バイアスが存在するとされる (Thomas & Watson, 2020)

  • 敵意や怒りへの帰属バイアスは、状況や他人の意図の推測に影響してアグレッションにつながるとされる (Kokkinos et al., 2017)

  • 健康にもよくなく、ストレスを高め、抑うつや孤独につながる

Anger and Anger management

  • アグレッションの介入にはアンガーマネジメントスキル訓練が用いられる

  • 認知的 (サインにきづく)、行動的 (リラクゼーション・タイムアウト法)に分類される

  • 事実、女性が敵意に原因帰属すると身体・心理的なデートDVにつながること、敵意への原因帰属が関係性のアグレッションにつながることが示されている

  • しかし、怒りがわいた瞬間にアンガーマネジメントを行うのは無理なのではないかとして認知行動療法及び教育的介入の効果に疑問が投げかけられている

  • 本研究ではアンガーマネージメントの効果について以下を仮定した (すなわち普通の仮設)

  • 強い怒りを感じるものはつよい身体・言語・関係性のアグレッションを示す

  • 適応的なアンガーマネジメント方略を用いるものは身体・言語・関係性のアグレッションを抑制する

  • 不適応なアンガーマネジメント方略を用いるものは身体・言語・関係性の強いアグレッションを示す


  • 欠損のあるものを除外した297名が分析対象 (19-78歳、mean =33.74、女性60.6%、既婚38.7%)

  • 属性 (年齢、性別、関係性)

  • 身体的・言語的なアグレッション (BPAQ; Buss & Perry, 1992)

  • 恋愛関係のアグレッション (SRASBM, Morales & Crick, 1998)

  • アンガーマネージメント (AMS; Stith & Hamby, 2002)



  • 怒りは身体・言語・恋愛関係のアグレッションと正の相関

  • エスカレーション・負の原因帰属も各アグレッションと正の相関

  • セルフアウェアネスはアグレッションと相関なし

  • カーミングは恋愛関係とのみ弱い正の相関

Hierarchical linear regression

  • 目的変数を各アグレッション (身体・言語・恋愛関係)とする

  • 階層性のバイオレーションなし

  • 属性を第一ステップでコバリエイト

  • 怒りを第二ステップで投入

  • エスカレーションと負の原因帰属を第三ステップで投入

  • 自己知覚とカーミングを第四ステップで投入

  • 恋愛関係においてはアンガーマネージメントが怒りによるアグレッションの説明率を抑制する

  • 恋愛関係においては負のアンガーマネジメント方略がアグレッションを説明する

  • 身体的アグレッション、言語的アグレッションは怒りがアグレションを説明し、負のアンガーマネジメント方略はアグレッションをおよそ説明しない

  • それどころか恋愛関係においてカーミングはアグレッションと正の相関があり抑制方略は全く機能しない


  • なにも示唆されていない

  • 恋愛関係は原因帰属や負のアンガーマネジメント方略を抑制することでアグレッションを減じられる

  • そのほかは怒りをコントロールできずアグレッションにつながる


  1. Buss, A. H. & Perry, M. (1992). The aggression questionnaire. Journal of  Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 452-459.

  2. Dewi, I. D. A. D. P. & Kyranides, M N. (2022). Physical, Verbal, and Relational Aggression: The Role of Anger Management Strategies, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 31, 65-82.

  3. Kokkinos, C. M., & Voulgaridou, I. (2017). Relational and cyber aggression among adolescents: Personality and emotion regulation as moderators. Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 528-537.

  4. Stith‚ S. M.‚ & Hamby‚ S. (2002). The Anger Management Scale: Development and preliminary psychometric properties. Violence and Victims‚ 17‚ 383-402.

Appendix1 BPAQ

  1. Some of my friends think I am a hothead.

  2. If I have to resort to violence to protect my rights‚ I will.

  3. When people are especially nice to me‚ I wonder what they want.

  4. I tell my friends openly when I disagree with them.

  5. I have become so mad that I have broken things.

  6. I can’t help getting into arguments when people disagree with me.

  7. I wonder why sometimes I feel so bitter about things.

  8. Once in a while‚ I can’t control the urge to strike another person.

  9. I am an even-tempered person.

  10. I am suspicious of overly friendly strangers.

  11. I have threatened people I know.

  12. I flare up quickly but get over it quickly.

  13. Given enough provocation‚ I may hit another person.

  14. When people annoy me‚ I may tell them what I think of them.

  15. I am sometimes eaten up with jealousy.

  16. I can think of no good reason for ever hitting a person.

  17. At times I feel I have gotten a raw deal out of life.

  18. I have trouble controlling my temper.

  19. When frustrated‚ I let my irritation show.

  20. I sometimes feel that people are laughing at me behind my back.

  21. I often find myself disagreeing with people.

  22. If somebody hits me‚ I hit back.

  23. I sometimes feel like a powder keg ready to explode.

  24. Other people always seem to get the breaks.

  25. There are people who pushed me so far that we came to blows.

  26. I know that “friends” talk about me behind my back.

  27. My friends say that I’m somewhat argumentative.

  28. Sometimes I fly off the handle for no good reason.

  29. I get into fights a little more than the average person.

Extremely unch‎aracteristic‚ Somewhat unch‎aracteristic‚ Neither unch‎aracteristic nor ch‎aracteristic‚ Somewhat ch‎aracteristic‚ Extremely ch‎aracteristic‚ Often ch‎aracteristic
Physical Aggression Scale Items: 1-9 ‚
Verbal Aggression Scale Items: 10-14‚
Anger Scale Items: 15-21‚
Hostility Scale Items:22-29

Appendix2 AMS

1. When my partner picks a fight with me‚ I fight back.
2. When my partner won’t give in‚ I get furious.
3. I often take what my partner says personally.
4. My partner believes I have a short fuse.
5. I can feel my blood rising when I start to get mad at my partner.
6. Taking a break from my partner is a good way for me to calm down.
7. When my partner is around‚ I feel like a bomb waiting to explode.
8. I prefer to get out of the way when my partner hassles me.
9. It is my partner’s fault when I get mad.
10.When my partner is nice to me I wonder what my partner wants.
11.No matter how angry I am‚ I am responsible for my behavior toward my partner.
12.When my partner provokes me‚ I have a right to fight back.
13.I can feel it in my body when I’m starting to get mad at my partner.
14.My partner does things just to annoy me.
15.There is nothing I can do to control my feelings when my partner hassles me.
16.My partner is rude to me unless I insist on respect.
17.My partner likes to make me mad.
18.When my partner annoys me‚ I blow up before I even know that I am getting angry.
19.I recognize when I am beginning to get angry at my partner.
20.I am able to remain calm and not get angry at my partner.
21.I can usually tell when I am about to lose my temper at my partner.
22.I take time out as a way to control my anger at my partner.
23.I take a deep breath and try to relax when I’m angry at my partner.
24.I can set up a time-out period during an argument with my partner.
25.When I feel myself getting angry at my partner‚ I try to tell myself to calm down.
26.I often think of something pleasant to keep from thinking about my anger at my partner.
27.When I’m angry at my partner‚ I try to handle my feelings so no one gets hurt.
28.If I keep thinking about what made me mad‚ I get angrier.
29.When arguing with my partner‚ I often raise my voice.
30.I do something to take my mind off my partner when I’m angry.
31.When I’m mad at my partner‚ I say what I think without thinking of the consequences.
32.When my partner’s voice is raised‚ I don’t raise mine.
33.My partner thinks I am very patient.
34.I can calm myself down when I am upset with my partner.
35.When I feel myself starting to get angry at my partner‚ I try to stick to talking about the problem.
36.I am even-tempered with my partner.

1= Strongly Disagree‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Strongly Agree
