

 生身の人間に聞くとメンドクサイことになりそうなことを AI に聞いてみるシリーズ。

  《 江戸時代の日本では、キリスト教は禁教とされていた
    それについてキリスト教団体は ケシカラン!と糾弾しているが、
    それって、本当に悪いことだったのか? 》



 また 彼らは、当時日本でキリスト教が禁止されていたことを非難する上で、信仰の自由は守られるべきであるという主張をするが、当の彼ら自身が、日本の神社仏閣を破壊していたのだが、彼らは、非キリスト教に対する信仰の自由は認める必要はないが、キリスト教を信じる信仰の自由は認めよという矛盾した考えを持っているのであろうか?


ChatGPT の回答:



 Christianity was banned in Japan during the Edo period(江戸時代).
 Christian groups condemned it.
 However, the measure was taken by Christian missionaries who came to Japan during the Warring States period(戦国時代) and exported Japanese people as slaves, and they, along with Japanese Christians, destroyed Japanese shrines and temples, which angered then ruler Hideyoshi(豊臣秀吉), who banned Christianity, which was followed by his successors, the Tokugawa family(徳川家), By criticizing them, it means that they think that exporting Japanese people as slaves is not a bad thing, but do they think so?
 In addition, in condemning the fact that Christianity was banned in Japan at that time, they claim that freedom of religion should be protected, but they themselves were destroying Japanese shrines and temples. Do they have the contradictory idea that freedom of faith in non-Christianity need not be recognized, but freedom of faith in Christianity should be recognized?

ChatGPT の回答(英語):

 It's important to note that Christianity is a diverse religion with many different denominations and individual beliefs. It would be inaccurate to make generalizations about all Christians based on the actions of certain historical individuals or groups.
 Regarding the historical context you mentioned, it is true that during the Warring States period in Japan, some Christian missionaries engaged in activities that were viewed negatively by the ruling powers at the time. There were instances of forced conversions, destruction of Japanese shrines and temples, and the involvement of some missionaries in the slave trade. These actions did contribute to a negative perception of Christianity among Japanese authorities.
 However, it would be incorrect to assume that all Christians today hold the belief that exporting Japanese people as slaves or destroying religious sites is acceptable. Christianity, like any religion, encompasses a wide range of beliefs and interpretations. Many Christians today condemn historical actions that were unjust or unethical, including those committed by individuals who identified as Christians in the past.
 As for the concept of freedom of religion, it is important to consider that historical contexts can vary greatly. The condemnation of the ban on Christianity in Japan during the Edo period is often framed in the context of advocating for religious freedom, rather than specifically advocating for the recognition of only Christianity. The principle of religious freedom generally supports the idea that individuals should be able to practice their faith without interference or persecution, regardless of their religious affiliation.
 It is true that there have been instances throughout history where certain religious groups have displayed contradictory attitudes towards religious freedom. However, it would be an oversimplification to attribute such contradictions solely to Christians or any other religious group. In reality, conflicting beliefs and actions can arise within any community or ideology.
 In summary, it is essential to avoid generalizations about the beliefs and attitudes of all Christians based on the actions of a few individuals or historical events. Christianity, like any religion, is a complex and diverse system of beliefs, and the views of its followers can vary widely.

  ーーーー( AI とのやりとり ここまで )ーーーーー

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