Do you know what "maverick" means?


(『究極の英単語 SVL Vol.4』(アルク出版)より)

この単語を見て、2022年公開のアメリカのアクション映画『トップガン マーヴェリック』(Top Gun: Maverick)を連想しました。

The other day, I encountered the word "maverick" in a book for vocabulary building; it means an independent politician, a lone wolf and a nonconformist. The word reminded me of the movie, Top Gun: Maverick. I have not seen it yet, though. Maverick is the code name of the protagonist played by Tom Cruise. In the story, he is the best pilot ever in the history of Top Gun, but is a quite unusual person and behaves or thinks differently from other members, so he was driven out of the force. This might be the reason he is called Maverick. Now, I can remember the word, associating it with the hero.


"maverick"→『トップガン マーヴェリック』→「トム・クルーズ」→「一匹狼、異端者」で覚えます。
