
The day when I lost virgin











その中で一番大事だなと思ったことは”否定しない” ことだと思う。


『こんにちは! えーと… 』


”そんなにしないものなのかぁ。” 俺は心の中でそう思った。




”おはよう” ”よろしく” ”久しぶり” ”こんにちは” ”お疲れ様” これらって人間の会話の中で唯一おうむ返ししていい言葉だと思っている。”Ready?
” ”Yes. Ready.”みたいな、そこから会話が始まるのだから。



鈴木 翔太に清き一票を。

Do you still have any first-time experiences left? I'm 37 years old this year. Of course, I don't think I've experienced everything this world has to offer, but I believe I've gone through most of the ordinary things.

But today, I had an unexpected first-time experience. For months now, I've been mentally unstable. I commute between work and home, arriving at work earlier than anyone and leaving later than anyone. I take the last train home every day (to be precise, I often miss the last train to my nearest station). After getting home, I have dinner, my only enjoyment of the day. Then I take care of household chores until about 3 AM. I often fall asleep in my chair and then move to my bed. By 7 AM, I naturally wake up and head to work again. Such are my days.

One day, on a whim, I decided to overdose on caffeine. I took seven pills when you’re only supposed to take one per day. Nothing got energized; I just felt dizzy. “Isn't caffeine supposed to give you energy?” I thought as I stumbled around. Be careful, everyone.

This continued, and today I finally went to the hospital—to a psychiatrist. I never thought I’d need their help in my life, but I finally did.

All I did there was talk. The conclusion was that I wasn't depressed. That was a relief, but I found the work of a psychiatrist quite admirable.

"Listening to people."

This is something that seems easy but is hard to do. In everyday conversations, it feels like more emphasis is placed on talking than listening. People say, “I think this,” and “I think that,” focusing more on expressing their own opinions rather than truly listening to the other person.

I'm currently reading a book called "LISTEN." I'll summarize it later. It's quite a compelling read, focusing on the importance of listening.

On a related note, I don't dislike listening to people. In fact, I might enjoy it. Maybe I'm indulging in giving good advice, but I've come to understand that often, people don’t really seek advice. They just want to be heard. So, I listen without rejecting what they say. I must say, I have a good voice. Even ordinary things sound better when I say them, like Yo from Terrace House. I’ve often thought this could become my job if I honed this skill.

Back to the topic, the psychiatrist is a professional listener. I felt very comfortable talking. The most important thing, I realized, is not to deny what the other person says. You don’t have to affirm it, but you shouldn’t deny it. I also try not to use words of denial. But this can be quite difficult.

At my previous job, I was quite vocal and always made sure to have my own opinion. When asked, I would clearly state my opinion. But this became problematic when everything I said was denied. Even if my points were valid, I was always put down in the end. As a result, I stopped talking. If speaking only leads to being denied, then I might as well stay silent. The only exception was greetings. I made sure to greet people, no matter how small my voice was or even if I was ignored. I didn't want to be like those who couldn't even greet others.

Recently, I went to Starbucks, and naturally greeted the staff with a “Hello!” “Hello! Uh...,” they responded. After paying, the staff member said, “I was happy you greeted me! Most people just ignore us...” I realized that what I took as normal behavior was actually quite rare.

"Is greeting really that uncommon?" I thought to myself.

Saaya from the comedy duo Laland once said, “Everyone in the world should work in the food service industry at least once.” I completely agree. If I had been there when she said that, I would have been the first to give a standing ovation. Too many people treat staff poorly. For example, people call out “Excuse me!!” while someone else is taking an order, or call to make a reservation at 1 PM on a busy Saturday. I've thought many times that people should be more considerate. Unfortunately, such behavior seems to exist regardless of income or upbringing, so there's no choice but to accept it. Likewise, some people leave without a word after finishing their meal. Those who think it doesn’t matter because they paid for their meal might believe so, but staff think, “Please never come back.”

No matter how good your table manners are, if you fail at the exit (both of the restaurant and in terms of manners), it leaves a negative impression. So, my point is, let’s all communicate properly, including greetings.

Thank you. That was delicious. It's disappointing that some people can't even say these simple phrases. Maybe it's easy for me, but perhaps it's quite difficult for some people. I try to keep that in mind.

Back to the topic, have you ever thought deeply about “listening”? Honestly, I don't think you would in an ordinary life. It takes a trigger to start thinking about it more deeply. I don't have all the answers yet, but I have a hypothesis: The key to getting along in this world is “how well you can listen to others.” It depends on how well you can listen to and empathize with others, even if you can’t fully understand them. This requires communication. So, what is needed to communicate effectively? Daily conversations and creating an environment where people want to talk. And what is needed for that environment? Ultimately, it’s greetings. When people meet, the first thing they do is greet each other: “Good morning,” “Nice to meet you,” “Long time no see,” “Hello,” “Good job.” These are the only words that can be repeated in a conversation like an echo. “Ready?” “Yes, ready.” That's where conversations begin.

In conclusion, let's all greet each other cheerfully. Because it’s election season, if I were running for office, my manifesto would be:

"Create a country where people greet each other cheerfully, loudly, and with a smile!"

That would surely get me elected, right?
So, cast your vote for SHOTA SUZUKI.
