
「それはそれ これはこれ」または「The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore(太陽はもう輝かない)」

「それはそれ これはこれ」という言葉が印象に残ったのは、島本和彦氏の漫画『逆境ナイン』を読んだ時だったろうか。


アメリカ政府の態度は、まさしく「それはそれ これはこれ」だ。「法の支配」という概念はどこかに行ってしまった。

パレスチナは、東をヨルダンに接する「ヨルダン川西岸地区」と、西を地中海、南をエジプトに接する「ガザ地区」に分かれています。 ヨルダン川西岸とガザは1994年以来「パレスチナ自治区」とされ、「パレスチナ自治政府」が存在していますが、 独立国家ではありません(国連のオブザーバー資格を持っています)。
人口は両地域を合わせて約455万人で、その過半数が15歳以下の子どもです。 面積はヨルダン川西岸地区が5,655平方km(三重県と同程度)、 ガザ地区が365平方km(福島市と同程度)です。
面積は第二次世界大戦終結以前のものから、国連の分割決議案、中東戦争を経て大幅に縮小しました。 現在も、ヨルダン川西岸地区ではイスラエルの入植活動により、ガザでは占領政策等によって実質的な面積が縮小し続けています。






「The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore」は1965年にオリジナル曲が発表され、2022年にブルース・スプリングスティーンがカバーした曲だ。


There's nothing to lose but no more to win.

lyrics of "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore"


"It has nothing to do with this." or the song "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore"

The sentence "It has nothing to do with this." probably left an impression on me when I read Kazuhiko Shimamoto's manga "Gyakkyo Nine".

The US government's attitude towards Ukraine and Israel has been criticized for showing double standards.

The American government's attitude is simply, "It has nothing to do with this. "The concept of "rule of law" has gone somewhere.

Palestine is divided into the West Bank, which borders Jordan to the east, and the Gaza Strip, which borders the Mediterranean Sea to the west and Egypt to the south. The West Bank and Gaza have been part of the Palestinian Territories since 1994, and although there is a Palestinian Authority, they are not independent states (they have UN observer status).
The combined population of both regions is approximately 4.55 million people, the majority of whom are children under the age of 15.
The West Bank has an area of 5,655 square km (about the same size as Mie Prefecture), and the Gaza Strip has an area of 365 square km (about the same size as Fukushima City). The area has significantly shrunk from before the end of World War II through the United Nations partition resolution and the Middle East wars.
Even now, the effective area of the West Bank continues to shrink due to Israeli settlement activities and in Gaza due to occupation policies.

Palestinian children's campaign

According to the Old Testament, God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them: "Be fertile and multiply and fill the earth.

As the number of people increases, land is also needed.

In 2016 and again in February of this year, the UN Security Council expressed "deep concern and disappointment" over the expansion of Jewish settlements. But Israel does not accept this.

"The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore" was originally released in 1965 and was covered by Bruce Springsteen in 2022. The melody is upbeat, but the lyrics are heavy.

When will the sun shine and the moon rise in the sky again?

"There's nothing to lose but no more to win".

lyrics of "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore

The title map is taken from "Palestinian Children's Campaign"
