



バイデン大統領訴追せず 高齢などで立証困難 記憶力正常と反論」NHK,2024/2/9







タイトル画像は、「旧統一教会の関連団体 自民党議員と「推薦確認書」取り交わす」NHK,2022/10/20より引用

An 81-year-old politician claims to have a good memory, and a 70-year-old politician brazenly says he has forgotten what he did three years ago.

President Biden of the United States is 81 years old and has often been criticized for his declining memory, but he insists that he is fine.

In the issue of classified documents found in U.S. President Biden's home and other places when he was vice president, (omitted) Special Prosecutor Herr said, "Mr. Biden's memory is severely limited. He could not clearly remember the time of his son's death.
He explained that he decided not to prosecute Mr. Biden because of his advanced age and weak memory, making it difficult to prove that the act was intentional. (omitted).
In response, President Biden held a hastily-called press conference at the White House on the evening of February 8 and said, "I am pleased that they have reached the conclusion that I will not be prosecuted."
On the other hand, he said, "What is the reason for the special prosecutor's reference to the time of his son's death? I know when my son died without anyone telling me," he said angrily, adding, "My memory is normal."

"President Biden not prosecuted, difficult to prove due to age etc. Biden counters by saying his memory is normal” NHK, 2/9/2024

I don't think it would be appropriate for the Democratic Party to nominate someone with such questionable memory as their next presidential candidate. In fact, many Americans are concerned about his advanced age.

On the other hand, in Japan there is a 70-year-old minister who professes to not remember what happened three years ago.

Biden's opposite. What would he have thought if he had seen a politician like this when he was young?

The curriculum guidelines for high school home economics classes emphasize that students understand the "importance of contracts," and teachers at schools use examples to explain how to be prepared to avoid becoming victims.
Regarding suspicions that he had received support from the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly the Unification Church) in the recent House of Representatives election, Moriyama initially explained that he had no clear recollection of signing the nomination confirmation form.
However, when the matter was questioned, the statement changed to, "As you said, I signed the document carelessly," and yesterday, in the Diet, he reverted to "I have no recollection of it at all." He received more than 200 letters of recommendation from various organizations, but he said he had "discarded them all." It can be seen that he is indifferent to contracts and doesn't really care about his policy.

"Spring and Autumn" Nikkei Shimbun, 2024/2/9

He might just casually sign the loan document.

Title image is quoted from "Former Unification Church-related group exchanges 'recommendation confirmation' with Liberal Democratic Party members," NHK, 2022/10/20
