






「「サポート詐欺」が急速に悪質化 一度に100万円の被害も」日経クロステック,2027/7/10









「サポート詐欺」が急速に悪質化 一度に100万円の被害も」日経クロステック,2027/7/10




"Fake" security warning screen that cannot be escaped by pressing "Alt" and "F4" simultaneously

Fraud tactics are evolving.

Support scams are a tactic used by scammers to make users anxious by suddenly displaying a false screen or sounding an alarm that suggests their computer is infected with a virus while they are browsing the Internet, and then have them call the support desk listed on the screen, where they then scam money out of the user or install remote control software under the pretext of support.
<Consultation Case 1> While browsing a website, a warning sound suddenly sounded from my computer, and a warning screen appeared saying "Your computer is infected with a virus. Please call customer support." I couldn't get rid of the warning screen, so I called. I was told that they would check my computer remotely, so I installed the remote control software as instructed, and gave them the number that was displayed. They told me, "Your computer is infected with a virus. We will remove it for a fee. Two years of support is included." So I paid with my credit card.

National Police Agency "Support Fraud Countermeasures"

I have never been attacked like this, but more and more people are falling victim to support scams.

The number of consultations received by consumer living centers nationwide also reached an all-time high. According to the National Consumer Affairs Center, in fiscal 2023, 7,475 consultations about support scams were received by consumer living centers nationwide, and in 1,459 of those cases, money was paid. The total amount of damage was approximately 470 million yen. (Omitted) For example, the Fuefuki City Chamber of Commerce in Yamanashi Prefecture announced in March 2024 that support scams had caused damage totaling 10 million yen.

"Support scams are rapidly becoming more vicious, with some victims suffering losses of up to 1 million yen at once," Nikkei Crosstech, July 10, 2027

When a "fake" security warning screen appeared on my PC, we used to be able to escape it by pressing the "Alt" and "F4" keys at the same time.

However, since the summer of 2023, there have been an increasing number of cases where this method is no longer usable. A script (program) that prevents keyboard input from being accepted has been embedded in the web page of the warning screen. This means that the only input that is accepted is a long press of the 'ESC' key or pressing the 'Ctrl', 'Alt' and 'Delete' keys simultaneously.


This is an incredibly clever method. The National Police Agency website provides instructions on how to suppress the fake warning screen without relying on pressing the "Alt" and "F4" keys simultaneously.

I think this National Police Agency website is well organized. It's not well known, so it should be promoted more.

If you allow remote access tools to be installed, you could be at risk of the following kinds of damage:

A man who appeared to be a foreigner speaking broken Japanese answered the phone and instructed him to install remote control software. He installed it as instructed and had the software remotely checked his computer. The man then demanded that he pay 100 yen via internet banking to cover the cost of repairing the computer. Thinking that 100 yen was okay to pay, he entered the amount to be transferred into internet banking as 100 yen, but the bank remotely added four "0"s, changing it to 1 million yen. The victim immediately called his bank and had his account frozen. However, the 1 million yen had already been transferred. "Once you have sent the money, it is difficult to get it back" (Morizawa Makiko, Chief of the 2nd Consultation Division, Consultation and Information Department, National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan). It is believed that most high-value crimes are the result of this type of method.

"Support scams are rapidly becoming more vicious, with some victims suffering losses of up to 1 million yen at once," Nikkei Crosstech, July 10, 2027

Once a bad guy gets into your PC, he can do whatever he wants. The company where I used to work had a help desk department that answered inquiries from employees who were stuck on how to use their PC. If they couldn't get anywhere over the phone, they used a remote access tool called pcAnywhere. At the time, I never imagined that remote access tools would be misused.

The title image is taken from Sumishin SBI Net Bank's "Important: Beware of Support Scams (Fraudulent PC Support Fee Billing Scams)"
