




しょうがく どうとく 1ねん』光文書院



第165回国会 参議院 本会議 第5号 平成18年10月4日」会議録


第166回国会 参議院 文教科学委員会 第3号 平成19年3月20日」会議録








第165回国会 参議院 本会議 第5号 平成18年10月4日」会議録

Condescending display on the back cover of elementary and junior high school textbooks

According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's website, free textbooks for elementary and junior high schools were implemented for the first grade of elementary school in 1963, and expanded every year since then, and in 1969, it was extended to all grades of elementary and junior high school.

Since 2007, this has been printed on the back cover of elementary and junior high school textbooks. "This textbook is provided free of charge through the taxpayers' taxes, expressing our hopes for all of you who will lead Japan in the future. Let's use it with care."

The title photo is the sentences with furigana on the back cover of Koubun Shoin's ethics textbook for first graders.

A Liberal Democratic Party member of the House of Councilors said in the Diet in 2006 that this was the result of her lobbying of textbook companies.

This year as well, 39.5 billion yen of the national budget was spent, and approximately 11 million children received new textbooks this spring. For example, textbooks cost approximately 7,000 yen per first-year junior high school student. However, I feel a sense of crisis that the thoughts behind this free textbook system have not been sufficiently communicated in schools, local communities, and home education.
In response to this point, textbook companies that sympathized with me will voluntarily include the following sentence in elementary school textbooks from the second half of next year, and junior high school textbooks from 2008. "For those of you who will be responsible for Japan's future, this textbook will be provided free of charge using the taxpayers' money. Let's use it with care." I am pleased that this is a breakthrough.

“165th National Diet House of Councilors Plenary Session No. 5 October 4, 2006” Minutes

It is highly questionable how much children today are grateful to be provided with such textbooks for free, and whether they feel that they are truly grateful and must cherish them.
Therefore, if we are to maintain a system of free textbooks, we should use the precious taxpayers' tax money towards the education of the next generation.
If we are to make textbooks free as part of this, we must also consider the significance of this, and the precious postwar history and philosophy of this free textbook system, which was started out of a desire to at least provide Japanese and arithmetic during the difficult post-war period. I believe we must pass this on to the next generation of children.
I proposed to textbook companies that they write something like this in their textbooks so that teachers, local communities, and families can understand the significance of the free textbook system.
The people at the textbook writing companies also responded wonderfully.
What I am showing you today is the front and back covers of the fourth grade science textbook that will be used in the second half of this year. This is the first time that such a statement has been written on the back cover.
For the first time, the phrase, "This textbook is provided free of charge through the taxpayers of the people, expressing our hopes for all of you who will be responsible for Japan's future, so please use it with care." will be included in a compulsory education textbook for the first time.
I think this is groundbreaking.
However, although it is groundbreaking, it is just a sentence.
When I met with 12 school principals and principals of elementary and junior high schools in a prefecture in the Tohoku region, many of them were unaware of the history and significance of the introduction of this free textbook system. I don't think it will be possible for children to understand the significance of this free system.

166th Diet House of Councilors Committee on Education and Science No. 3 March 20, 2007” Minutes

I wonder how such an idea comes to be.

For example, there are many public buildings built with tax money, such as bridges, national highways, and schools. Do the government and local governments label each of them like this?

As a taxpayer, I don't want such condescending words to be included in textbooks. The ink used for this is a waste.

According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, at least 20 countries provide free elementary school textbooks, and Japan is not alone. It is unclear whether such text appears in the textbooks of these 20 countries.

Furthermore, at the Diet session where the members of the House of Councilors in question spoke, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology at the time said the following. As he says, do we taxpayers "pay taxes because we want our children to grow up to be citizens who can provide adequate support for their own pensions, medical care, and nursing care"?

Perhaps the tax-paying generation's feelings are that when they reach the pension age generation, Japan will be respected by foreign countries, a country that can coexist warmly, and a vibrant economy. Therefore, we pay taxes because we want our children to grow up to be citizens who can provide solid support for their own pensions, medical care, and nursing care.
Regardless of this free textbook system, all the money that goes into education comes from people's tax money, so in order to improve the results of education, at the same time that we operate it, we also need to ask the legislature to revise the law if the current situation is inconsistent with the law. I would like to work with you to build a wonderful Japan.

165th National Diet House of Councilors Plenary Session No. 5 October 4, 2006” Minutes
