



1 学力の向上について
2 難病対策の推進について



おはようございます住民等相模原市番の服部ですか維新として通告に従いいっぱいそのを行ないますはじめに学力の向上についてです本村市長は日頃から子育てするならさがみやyoutaキャッチフレーズをよく使っていますもちろん母になるなら〇〇し防止をする令和三年まで六年連続人口増加率一時の首都圏の死にインスパイアされてなどと言うつもりはありません仮に講習をmとしますn氏の令和三年中の増加人口は4203人でこのうち自然増は367人です自然増です人口増加率にすると2.10%一方本州の場合は令和三年中社会増こそ主張がよく言われている3092人ですが自然減が2581人差し引きの増加人口は511人人口増加率にすると0.07%です動物はn 4の3 1/10ということです転入像を指定するつもりはもっとありませんし本紙が選ばれていると言う証左でもありますから私も嬉しいのではありますのではありますが市民に発信する際に単純に社会増の数字のみを取り上げてさも素晴らしい言葉のように云うのはいかがかと思う次第ですちなみに自然増の位置にはなんと中央区と南です言及する価値があるのではないでしょうかぜひ自然増までと相手も出生数の増加に向けての取り組みを推進して行きたいと思います












The three-penny play called the city council, which I understood by transcribing the video sound

As I wrote in this article, I used Word to transcribe the video audio of a member of parliament at the city council meeting on March 14th.

The minutes of the city council meeting held in March have not yet been made public. The last posting on the site is the proceedings from last December. It's a slow pace of work. Right now, the only information we have about this conference is this video and headlines.

General question (one question and one answer)
1 About improving academic ability
(1) Regarding the positioning of school education in "Sagamihara, if raising children" (2) Recognition of children's academic ability (3) Initiatives to improve academic ability (4) Portfolio creation using tablet devices (5) Games Disability (6) Recruitment of experienced teachers
2 About promotion of countermeasures against intractable diseases
(1) Response to revisions to the Intractable Diseases Act (2) Patient groups (3) Sagamihara City Intractable Disease Countermeasures Regional Council (4) Kanagawa Intractable Disease Consultation and Support Center (5) Dissemination and enlightenment

Sagamihara City Council Live Broadcast

I transcribed the first two minutes of the audio on this video site into words using Word. However, normal playback speed was useless, so I used the audio played at half speed.

The original text at the beginning is as follows.

Good morning, I'm Hattori from the Liberal Democratic Party Sagamihara City Council.
First, I would like to talk about improving academic ability Mayor Motomura often uses the catchphrase "If you want to raise a child, Sagamihara."
Of course, I have no intention of saying that if I were to become a mother, I would be inspired by cities in the Tokyo metropolitan area that had the highest population growth rate for six years in a row until 2021.
Let's call this city N city. The population of N City increased by 4,203 in 2021, of which 367 were natural increases.
It's a natural increase.
The population growth rate is 2.10%. On the other hand, in the case of Motoichi, the social increase in the third year of Reiwa is 3092 people, which is often said to be a trial listening, but the natural decrease is 2581 people, and the population increase after subtraction is 511 people, which is 0.07% in population growth rate.
Population growth rate is 1/30 of N city.
I have no intention of denying the increase in the number of people moving in, and I am also happy because it is proof that our city has been selected. However, is it okay to say that it is a wonderful thing to simply take up only the number of social increase when disseminating information to citizens?
By the way, the 1st and 2nd place of natural increase are Chuo Ward and Minami Ward. It's worth researching, isn't it? I think that efforts should be made to increase the number of births, even if it is not a natural increase.

content of the opening statement

Even at half the playback speed, Word's conversion accuracy isn't great, but it does get the numbers right. It will be a reference later when people write the minutes.

By the way, what is this questioner trying to say?
After saying, "First of all, it is about improving academic ability," he said, "The city in the metropolitan area, which has the highest population growth rate for six years in a row until 2021, says, "If you are going to be a mother,  our city is recommended." I don't mean to say that the mayor copied it." he insists.
He also sarcastically said, "I don't think it would be a good idea to simply take up only the number of social increases when disseminating information to the public."
"By the way, Chuo Ward and Minami Ward are ranked first and second in terms of natural increase. Isn't it worth studying?" he exaggerates.

What exactly does he intend to do when he says, ``I would like to make efforts to increase the number of births, even if it is not a natural increase''?
It's a claim that makes no sense.

The members of the city council are members of the council and executives below the mayor. The lawmaker who stole two minutes from all these dozens with this rant was defeated in the April election.

In addition, the N city he refers to is here.

Then, as I watched this member's video, I realized that both the questioner and the person answering were just reading what was written on the paper. It is not an argument, but a dialogue play that reads the script. It is strange that they use one sheet of paper for each item to answer. Using a tablet terminal would reduce the resource of paper and the cost of printing work.
Since this video cannot be fast-forwarded, I have not confirmed the situation of questions and answers other than this lawmaker. If there is no discussion at all, there is no need for the parties concerned to gather. The content written on the paper should be published as it is.
