
Google Apps Script(GAS)を使わずにGoogleドライブのフォルダ・ファイル構造の一覧を作る方法

試行錯誤した結果、私は調べたい対象のGoogleドライブのフォルダをPCにダウンロードして、dirコマンドでフォルダとファイルの情報を得ることにした。大量のGoogleドライブのフォルダを、Google Apps Script(GAS)のプログラムで調べようとした場合、その処理がGoogleの定めた制限時間の6分間で終わらないからである。


この作業に取り組んだ経緯は下に記述する。なお、参考書や関連サイトを見たり、生成AIに聞きながら作った、Google Apps Script(GAS)のプログラムの詳細については別の記事に記録として残す。







いずれにせよ、Googleドライブの今ある状態(As is)を把握し、あるべき構成(To be)にしたいという要望に応えるため、現状調査を行うことにした。

Googleは、Googleの様々なサービスについて、利用者が操作できるプログラム環境を用意している。そのプログラムは、Google Apps Script(GAS)と呼ばれており、習熟している人には書けるだろう。











C:\Users\a-e>dir C:\Users\e\Downloads\test1-20231006*093531*-001\test1
ドライブ C のボリューム ラベルは Windows です
ボリューム シリアル番号は ********* です
C:\Users\a-e\Downloads\test1-20231006*093531*-001\test1 のディレクトリ
2023/10/06 19:00 <DIR> .
2023/10/06 18:59 <DIR> ..
2023/10/06 19:00 <DIR> emp1
2023/10/06 18:59 <DIR> EBackup
2023/10/06 18:59 <DIR> sdc1
2023/10/06 18:59 4,702 test1111.xlsx
1 個のファイル 4,702 バイト
5 個のディレクトリ    ******* バイトの空き領域



なお、フォルダやファイルの作成者や作成時期を知るためには、Googleドライブの画面を見るか、制限時間のあるGoogle Apps Script(GAS)を使うかしかない。しかし、調べたいフォルダやファイルの場所がわかるだけでも作業時間は短くできるだろう。




タイトル写真は、「パソコンでもスマホでも使える! 「Googleドライブ」の使い方の基本」サライ、2021/7/26より引用

How to create a list of folders and file structures in Google Drive without using Google Apps Script (GAS)

After much trial and error, I decided to download the Google Drive folder that I wanted to check to my PC and use the dir command to get folder and file information. This is because when trying to examine a large number of Google Drive folders using a Google Apps Script (GAS) program, the process cannot be completed within the six-minute time limit set by Google.

As will be described later, even when input data with the same content is processed by the same program, there are cases where it succeeds and cases where the time runs out.

The background to this work is described below. In addition, I will record the details of the Google Apps Script (GAS) program that I created while looking at reference books and related sites, and listening to the generation AI in a separate article.

I have written several times about how I started looking for a job after I turned 65 and my reemployment contract ended.

Although I went to the employment office every week, I couldn't find a job for about half a year, but just before the start of the hot summer, I was able to find a part-time job. I only go to work once a week and take home the work I can do at home.

It took me 40 minutes to commute to work and 80 minutes round trip, and it was very hot this summer, so I was very grateful to be able to work from home.

There is something I would like to write about how I got the job, but I would like to leave that for another time and write about the title.
At the workplace where I work, a considerable number of folders and files stored in Google Drive are shared by multiple people, and I was having trouble keeping track of all the information.

At that workplace, multiple people shared a large number of folders and files stored on Google Drive, and it was difficult to keep track of all the information. There are folders and files with similar names that were created or edited by individuals, and it is difficult to know which one is the latest. All you have to do is think about the structure and rules from the beginning and store files accordingly, but I don't think many companies decide on this before they start using Google Drive.

In any case, we decided to investigate the current situation in order to understand the current state of Google Drive (as is) and respond to requests for the desired configuration (to be).

Google provides a program environment that allows users to operate various Google services. The program is called Google Apps Script (GAS), and anyone who is familiar with it should be able to write it. However, even after reading the reference books, I had no idea.
So, I searched the Internet for "How to output a list of Google Drive folders and files." Although many related articles were found, this article was the only one that described a method that achieved the desired results.

I am very grateful to the author of this article.

However, there are some things you should be careful about. The GAS described in this article outputs information about all folders and files in Google Drive's "My Drive", but in reality, no matter what GAS program it is, the operating time is only 6 minutes. .

In other words, if the processing is not completed within 6 minutes, the time will run out and the program will end prematurely!

What's more, when I tested it, even if the number of folders and files were the same, depending on the time of day it was executed, it sometimes ended normally or gave an error like the one above (I tested it with a folder containing about 1200 files). ). Probably, if Google's servers are busy, the processing will be slow.

It's very disappointing to wait 6 minutes after pressing the run button to see an error message.

So I stopped using GAS. I decided to download the Google Drive folder to my PC and use the dir command.

Instructions on how to use the dir command can be easily found by searching the Internet. When you run the dir command, I can get necessary information.

If there are a lot of files, it will take time to download, and you will also need some free space on your PC's disk, but you can delete them from your PC after running dir. Best of all, the dir command completes in seconds. You can also export the results directly to a text file. Although the displayed content is simple, it is enough to know the folder and file names. Anyone who wants to check a lower-level folder can do this by simply repeating this process.

The only way to find out who created a folder or file and when it was created is to look at the Google Drive screen or use Google Apps Script (GAS), which has a time limit. However, just knowing the location of the folder or file you want to check can save you a lot of time.

For me, it was Columbus's egg.

When I searched for "How to output a list of Google Drive folders and files," I couldn't find a method to download and use dir. There are articles written about how to get around the 6-minute time limit, but applying them to the original program requires knowledge, experience, and time. Besides, as I wrote earlier, all but one of the other programs were useless and tired me out.

The good ol` dos command is still useful.

Title photo is quoted from "Basics of how to use Google Drive" Sarai, July 26, 2021
