


A drill is a way that teachers teach their students something by making them repeat it many times.

COBULD English Dictionary ,2001











「夏休みの宿題は多い、少ない? 量や内容、地域でさまざま」神戸新聞、2019年8月12日






When I was in elementary school, I faced (and was forced to face) two kinds of drills

One is a type of drill called Kanji drill or calculation drill, which is a kind of repetitive practice that makes students consume pencils incessantly. I thought it might be a Japanese word, but it was not.

Now I wonder if doing that has helped. When I don't have any kind of calculator at hand, I still sometimes do written calculations. As for kanji, I am no longer confident in my ability to write them. Kanji characters that I don't usually use are particularly hazy. It is frustrating that there are kanji that I cannot remember even though I practiced them so much.

Even now, when I am writing this in note, I am utilizing the kanji conversion on my PC. I don't write with my hands, so I forget. However, I will probably never look at a manuscript paper, much less write on it again in the future.

I don't want to forget what I took the time to do (but I do want to forget what made me uncomfortable). Maybe I am a cheapskate in that sense.

There was a poet named Mokichi Saito. I read this story in an essay written by his son, Morio Kita.

When he was having trouble solving a German problem for his homework, his father saw it and became angry with him, saying, "You can't even solve a problem like this?" But he was angry with himself because he himself did not remember it either. But eventually he figured out the answer and got even angrier at his son, asking him why he couldn't do it when I could.

He must have been a very scary father to his son. But I can understand his feelings.

Whenever I remember something, I try to write it down in this note. The story about Mokichi Saito is one of them. It is a trivial thing, but I would like to keep the stories that are memorable for me in some form.

Let's get back to the story.

According to this article, the amount of summer homework varies from school to school (title photo also taken from this article).

We asked the boards of education of the cities of Himeji, Akashi, and Kobe. Do you set the amount of homework uniformly? No, we leave it up to each school.

'Is Summer Vacation Homework Too Much or Too Little? Amount and contents vary by region," Kobe Shimbun, August 12, 2019.

This article has examples from several schools, but I thought there was definitely a difference in quantity. I think it is unfair that there is a difference depending on the school you attend. That's not to say that we should conform to the more numerous ones; I do remember how hard it was to walk 20 minutes to school on September 1 with bulky, heavy homework.

The other is the dentist's drill, which makes an unpleasant noise and pain at the same time. I think kids today experience teeth grinding less often because dentists and parents have become more preventive. I am envious.

There's a movie called "Marathon Man," a 1976 film that horrifyingly uses a dentist's drill as a torture device. Stop it!!!

I never saw the actual movie, but I still remember a picture of the scene in a movie magazine (was it Roadshow or Screen?). It was Laurence Olivier torturing Dustin Hoffman without anesthesia, saying things like, "This is a healthy tooth."

Since then, I've never heard of a movie with a scene where a dentist's drill is used for torture. I don't even wish they would make one.
