
1000日チャレンジ 354日目 シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 3(3)



★『シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法』(柴田元幸/西村義樹/森田修著;アスク出版;2022年)The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 1(1)


ledger;元帳、underneath;下に(under or below something else, especially when it is hidden or covered by the thing on top)、chagrined;悔しそうな(feeling disappointed or annoyed)、disgust;うんざりさせる、hearty;ボリュームのある、peculiar;独特な、whisker;ほおひげ、daresay;あえて言う(used when you are saying that something is likely)、wager;賭け、fancy;想像する、surly;不愛想な(unfriendly and rude)、remark;所見(something that you say or write which expresses an opinion, a thought, etc. about somebody/something)、hubbub;騒ぎ(the loud sound made by a lot of people talking at the same time)、fiercely;激しく(in a way that shows strong feelings; with a lot of activity or determination)、cringe;縮みあがる(to move back and/or away from somebody because you are afraid)、pester;うるさくせがむ(to annoy somebody, especially by asking them something many times)、silly;ばかげた(showing a lack of thought, understanding, or judgement)、whine;めそめそと愚痴を言う(to complain in an annoying, crying voice)、vestige;痕跡(a small part of something that still exists after the rest of it has stopped existing)、quaver;震える、blandly;穏やかに(with no strong emotions or excitement; without saying anything interesting)

turn away;向きを変える(to refuse to allow somebody to enter a place)
Pink 'un;競馬新聞(正式名称は、The Sporting times;ピンク色の紙に印刷されていたことからの通称)
flit away into the darkness;暗闇の中へ消える
spring round;とっさに振り向く

