Studying economics in English in Germany

 hello!! ソラです!
 現在(1月11日)で生活を始めてはや3ヶ月になります。来た当初(10月)は何を言っているのか分からなかった教授の話も現在は7割から8割はわかるようになりました(授業内容にもよりますが、、)。実際に留学して改めて実感しますがやはり言語学習、特にリスニングは「慣れ」そして「量」が重要です(笑)。ただ、聞き取れるようになった=授業内容が理解できる ではないことが悩ましいポイントです。。英語での意味は分かってもそれ自体が理解できていないことがしばしばあります。例えば、僕は今"media economics"というクラスをとっているのですが、その中で教授がlobbyism(〔法案通過を目的とした〕ロビー活動)という単語を言ったときにそもそも日本語で聞いても意味が分からなかったので終始なんの説明をしていたのかわかりませんでした、、笑 あと、日本で使われている単語と英語の違いにも苦戦しています、、(コンセント→outlet のようなものです、、)。と、そういうような感じで日本での大学時代は全く復習していなかった僕ですがここでは復習が欠かせません(しなかったらテストで痛い目に合うだけです)。あと1か月でテスト期間に入ってしまうのでこの1か月は特に集中して勉強していこうと思います。

English version 

hello! this is Sora.
I am studying abroad for getting master's degree at countryside in Germany.
Now, it is 11th January, and it has spent 3 months already since I came here. When I came here and I took lectures, I did not understand what professor said at all. but now I can understand at 70 to 80 %. it depends on the content of lecture though. I really feel since I came here though, the most important things to lean language is, especially listening, to keep doing and how many you can use for it. however, it is fact that the condition you can understand what professor say is not equal to what you can understand a lecture. I have often times that I cannot understand specific word even if I could understand the term. for example, now I'm taking "media economics", and in the class, a professor explained about "lobbyism". I didn't understand at all, even though I hear this word in Japanese because I heard this word for the first time in my life. one more example, the meaning of differences between Japanese and English. For instance, outlet and consent. In Japanese, outlet means コンセント, but consent means agreement in English. There are some more words which is complicated for me. to be honest, when I was in university student in Japan, I did not review the cources at all. however, now I have to do that every day and every week. If I do not do that, I would be in trouble during examination period. This period is coming in one month, then I have to concentrate on studying hard.
it has past 3 months since I came here though, I am finally used to living this country and I feel comfortable. But I am missing Japan again... but i know in order to get rid of it, I should talk with my friend here. friends are the most important, aren't they!?!?!?

