road to TED 20【Yoshioka method (case collection)】 shiori_office 2021年4月17日 09:21 For a commentary on the movie click here ▼ ▼ ▼This video is a clinical video performed using a patient's sacroiliac joint approach (Yoshioka method) appealing to waist painHowever, since I can not speak English at all, I tried making Google Translate as a partner. I can not judge whether the translation is right or not, but I was interested in watching movies, more people learned, more people who were able to receive treatment (proponents) to increase the social of Yoshioka method I would like to disseminate it aiming for proof (social proof).photo by Aaron Burden山梨県 甲府市栞 鍼灸・整骨院http://shiorioffice.web.fc2.comTEL055-298-4566(施術中は電話に出れない事がございますのでお理解ください) #ピアノ #整体 #ぎっくり腰 #足首ねんざ #siori #整体しおりせいこつ膝の痛み この記事が気に入ったらサポートをしてみませんか? サポート