








When I reflect on the most miraculous experience of my life, there's one memory that stands out, one that has left an indelible mark on my existence. It's a memory that, though unsettling, has been a pivotal moment, teaching me the true value of life, no matter how tough things get. This event took place about a decade ago during my college days, when I found myself at a crossroads, battling thoughts of ending my own life.


Growing up, my family life was far from idyllic. The constant clashes between my parents, the never-ending shouting from my mother, and my father's addiction issues made for a turbulent and challenging upbringing. I had hoped that adulthood would bring some relief, but life seemed to take a darker turn. The never-ending arguments between my parents continued to echo in my ears, and all I wanted was an escape.


Financially, I was struggling to make ends meet in college. My allowance barely covered the essentials, and though part-time jobs were an option, the difficulties of commuting and the responsibilities at home made them seem impossible. The dream of living in a big city felt like a distant fantasy. To make matters worse, I had to maintain a scholarship, which meant I had to pour myself into my studies, adding to the strain.


Then came the day when my dad had to be hospitalized, requiring a costly surgery that we couldn't afford. When my mother returned from the hospital, burdened by bills, she took out her frustration on me. My brother's addiction issues only compounded our problems.


Throughout all these hardships, I managed to resist the urge to make desperate choices that would compromise my integrity. Temptations loomed, but I saw through their empty promises. Yet, as I grappled with my emotional turmoil, thoughts of ending my life began to creep in. Ashamed of my dysfunctional family, I hid my pain behind a mask, shedding tears in solitude at night. The desire to end it all became overwhelming and I even posted a cryptic message on social media as a signal of my intent.


To my surprise, three strangers reached out in response to that post, offering words of encouragement. Their support came just when I needed it the most. These strangers reminded me that tough times eventually subside and that change can come from our own efforts or from unexpected sources of help. Their comments reignited a spark of hope within me. Overcoming the pull of death demanded immense courage, a lesson I learned through those interactions. It was a stark reminder that kindness and compassion exist in this world.


In times of despair, goodness perseveres. The impact of encouragement is profound, and kindness has the power to reshape lives. In the midst of my struggles, I realized the importance of both leaning on others and offering solace to those in need. Sharing our burdens can make them feel lighter. In this shared human journey, taking a moment to breathe is essential. Checking in on others is a simple yet vital act, and every bit of appreciation, no matter how small, matters. Sharing our struggles can foster connections with others. Kindness and self-compassion are not mere platitudes; they are powerful forces, and sources of strength within us.


Those three strangers became my lifelines. They helped me see the world in a new light and inspired me to become a source of positivity for others. I strive to embody the beauty of life, even in the face of adversity. Regardless of the obstacles in our path, we must persist. The harshness of the world should never justify being cruel to ourselves. Each of us holds a purpose, perhaps to inspire others with our resilience. My journey took an unexpected turn, guided by a divine strength I didn't know I possessed. Through those strangers, I learned that life's trials eventually recede, and hope can be found in the most unexpected of places.




🟧 こちらもおすすめ! 「奇跡」のストーリー
