"IRONE" Take It Easier by AI of Sophia! Hope and Hope with Ellie and Hiroto with Friends 2021-11-01

"#IRONE" Take It Easier by AI of Sophia! Hope and Hope with Ellie and Hiroto with Friends under Covid-19 2021-10-30

"IRONE" Sound of Color for Hope and Hope by #Ellie_Ogawa and #Hiroto_Uchida with Sophian Friends 

The attached music is W. A. Mozart "Ouverture” of “The Magic Flute" by San Francisco Saxophone Quartet.

The attached music is "Night on the Galactic Railroad" composed by Ryota Ishikawa by Trio Yas-375 with friends and "#Galaxy_Highway" from the CD " #Un_original " by #Hisako_Yoshikawa and "Jupiter" from the CD " The Planets" by Trouvere and Risa Ono's " Passeio Nas Estrelas" from the CD "#Liberta" by Hisako Yoshikawa

“Rising Sun from the West! Awakening of Sophia! Men and Women for Others with Others, Walking Together” by Ellie Ogawa and Hiroto Uchida, Photo was taken by Akiko Ikeda, with All Sophian Friends!

Attached music is Jeanine Rueff "Concert en Quatuor" 1st Move. by Daniel Deffayet SQ and "Awakening", “Colorful” and “ Hope for Hope” from "Colorful" by Miggy Augmented Orchestra and Giacomo Puccini ”O mio babbino baro”, "Gabriel’s Oboe”and Caccini “Ave Maria” from " ARIAS" by Nobuya Sugawa and “Whisper of Forest” and “Galactic Highway” from "Un original" by Hisako Yoshikawa and “Jupiter” from " The Planets" by Trouvere Quartet for Private Use Only.



添付した音楽はダニエル・ディファイエ・サクソフォーン四重奏団による Rueff "Concert en Quatuor" 1st Movement とソフィア会メンバーで、NYでビッグバンド” Miggy Augmented Orchestra”を率いて活躍されている宮嶋みぎわさんの率いるCD”Colorful "に収録されている"Awakening", “Colorful” and “ Hope for Hope”、鎌倉所縁のフルーティスト吉川久子さんのCD「Un original」収録の「森のささやき」と「銀河街道」、 世界のサキソフォーン界の第一人者、須川展也さんのCD「ARIAS」に収録されているプッチーニの「私のお父さん」、「ガブリエルのオーボエ」とカッチーニの「アベ・マリア」、「Trouvere Quartet」によるCD「トルヴェールの惑星」からの「トルヴェールの木星」です。プライベート使用限定であり。著作権は、宮嶋みぎわさんと” Miggy Augmented Orchestra”、須川展也さん、トルヴェールカルテット、吉川久子の関連する事務所に所属しております。プライベートでの使用限定です。
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