
IELTS Writing Task2の攻略法


【OA:6.0, L 5.5, R 6.5, W 6.0, S 5.5】
【OA:6.5, L 6.5, R 7.5, W 6.5, S 6.0】







①Task Response(TR)
→字数を満たしているか(word count)
(correct answer, parts of essay, introduction→body→conclusion)

②Coherence and Cohesion (CC)
→接続表現(cohesive device)が使えているか
(例)therefore, moreover

③Lexical Resource (LR)
(vocabulary, spelling)
→同じ語彙を繰り返していないか(the use of synonyms to avoid repetition)

④Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA)
(grammar, sentence type)

◯4つのやってはいけないこと(Don'ts )


(例)× I'm → I am

(例)× Should we learn the second language?

(例)× a piece of cake

・作文に不適な言葉(Informal Words)
× kids → children
× pros and cons → advantages and disadvantages
× in a nutshell → In conclusion, To sum up

◯5つの型(5 kinds of essay)




・利点/欠点型(Advantageous and Disadvantages)

・2つの質問型(Two-part essay)

・問題解決型(Problem and Solition/ Cause and Effect)


(例題)Some people believe that children should not be given homework every day, while others believe that they must get homework every day to be successful at school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


・身につく(able to improve skills)
・反復学習ができる(able to practice more)

・課外活動ができる(able to do other activities)
・脳と心を休める(able to relax)


第一パラグラフ 序論 Introduction

第二パラグラフ 本論1 Body1

第三パラグラフ 本論2 Body2

第四パラグラフ 結論 Conclusion

・第一パラグラフ Introduction

パラフレーズ(言い換え)とは、設問の【Some people believe that children should not be given homework every day, while others believe that they must get homework every day to be successful at school. 】この部分を別の言い方で表します。

This essay will discuss the reasons why people believe that children should have homework while others disagree. While giving homework is good because it gives more time to students to practice more, I believe that not giving them assignment is more beneficial because it allows them more time to relax. (50 Words)

There are many who believe that pupils must not be assigned tasks daily, however, other individuals support the idea that they should do assignments to get a successful school life. While having homework is beneficial as it improves your skills and give you the chance to practice more, I believe that not doing any after school work is better because it allows you to do other activities and have some rest time.  (72 Words)

・第二パラグラフ Body1

On the one hand, doing assignments is good for students because it improves their skills. By doing this, pupils get the chance to further home their skills as they do not have enough time to develop them in class due to a limited opportunity. In my case, I love to do my only chance to improve my skills because I cannot learn everything in class quickly as I am a slow-learner that is why doing however is essential. In addition, having homework also gives you the time to practice more. (90 Words)

・第三パラグラフ Body2

On the other hand, not having to do any assignments gives you the chance to do other activities. If you do not do homework, you can participate in volunteer activities. In my friend's case, she usually joins volunteer work like picking up waste on the road after school. Furthermore, if you have no homework, you can have more leisure time. You can refresh mentally and be ready for school on the next day. For instance, you can play video games and read booked which are good ways to rest. (89 Words)

・第四パラグラフ Conclusion

In conclusion,
while doing homework is essential for our students because of its apparent benefits such as improving skills and a chance to practice more, I still consider that not doing homework has more advantages in a student's life. (39 Words)

合計:290 Words


(例題)Machines are taking over more and more jobs done by humans. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.

・Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
・What are the drawbacks and benefits?

・第一パラグラフ Introduction
This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend. One of the benefits of this trend is stress-free while one of its drawbacks is unemployment. While this phenomenon offers some huge disadvantages, I believe that it has more advantages. (41 Words)

・In this technologically-driven world, robots are fulfilling people's everyday jobs.
・In these days, we often see mechanical devices substituting human beings in doing their tasks.


(例題)Many criminals commit further crime as soon as they are released.
What do you think are the cause of this?
What effects will this have on the criminal and society?



・第一パラグラフ Introduction
The essay will discuss why this is happening and the effects it has on the criminal and society. There are many who believe that some ex-convicts commit crimes again after they get out of jail. I believe that it is because almost all offenders who finish their sentence will struggle to get a new job then get employment. As well as, our society will face an increase number of criminals and homelessness because the offenders will be poor then get violent. (81 Words)

・第二パラグラフ Body1
A variety of factors contribute to the rising rate of people who commit a crime again the moment they are introduced back to the society. Firstly, the reason behind this trend is that criminals are not able to get a new job. It is because most employers are not willing to hire ex-convicts who have criminal records. In addition, these offenders are suffering many judgments from the society therefore they tend to commit crimes again. By way of illustration, these law breakers would not get emotional supports from their families, which will lead to them being lonely and homeless. (99 Words)

・第三パラグラフ Body2
It is a well-known fact that many criminals engage in additional criminal activities after they get released from jail. I believe that it is because there is a vicious circle to involve former prisoners in committing such crimes, which lead more poverty as well as increase in the number of criminals. (51 Words)

・第四パラグラフ Conclusion
To sum up, although countless factors motivate the lawbreakers to commit crimes again, I believe that the government and society should take the responsibility to discourage convicts from attempting further crimes.(31 Words)

合計: 262 Words


(例題)Scientists and technology experts seem to be valued more by modern society than musicians and artists. To what extent do you agree?

・What is your opinion?
・Do you agree or disagree?
・To what extent do you agree or disagree?

・第一パラグラフ Introduction
While scientists and technology experts are thought to be more appreciated by the people nowadays, I believe that musicians and other artists are equally valued in our society.(28 Words)

・第二パラグラフ Body 1
On the one hand, one of the crucial reason is that scientist and engineers play a vital role in human lives by providing various innovations with long-term solutions which provide benefits to the community. In other words, science and technology have changed the lifestyle of people like never before. For instance, developments in transport industry have considerably reduced the amount of time to travel from one place to another. Also, medical science developed more vaccines and medicines to curb diseases and increase the average lifespan of humans. Therefore, scientists and technology experts  might seem to be the greatest to society.(100 Words)

・第三パラグラフ Body2
On the other hand, musicians and artists are no less valued by the society. In fact, human lives have become so stressful these days, that they resort to various forms of arts to relieve their stress. Music and painting are considered to be great stress-busters by many. Although, the way of appreciation and the taste for art has changed over the years, people still love musicians and artists, as its clear example is given by the huge fan following of musician Justin Bieber and painter M. F. Hussain. The increasing trend of being a part of reality shows showcasing art forms like dance and singing rather than being a mute spectator of such programs, shows that modern society views art equally as science and technology.(125 Words)

・第四パラグラフ Conclusion
In conclusion, though contributions made by scientists and technology experts towards the betterment of human life are significant; however, I believe that artists have played an equal role in the overall development of people. It is hoped that modern society continues to value every artist and scientist boosting them to work harder and better.(54 Words)

合計: 307 Words


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