

English Follows Japanese





おお、ついに前日に養殖場で見たワニを食べる機会が来た! しかもワニのセビーチェなんて一体どんな味なんだろう? 更にドンセラも昼間のベレン市場で毒々しい白黒の市松模様の皮が付いた切り身を見たばかりだった。





ラッキー! なんでも言ってみるものだ! 中央棟の2階にあるキッチンに行くと、セサールによく似た顔つきの若いシェフが食材を用意していた。セサールの弟だろうか? そこに先ほどの女性従業員も加わり、二人がかりで調理が始まった。

セサールの弟だろうか? 黙々と働く男性シェフ








ふ~、助かった! 川魚に続いてワニまで生で食べて我々は肝炎などにならないだろうか?と少々不安になっていたところだったのだ。




見た目じゃない! 繊細で淡白なアマゾン料理の数々





3つ目は巨大ナマズ、ドンセラのフライ、チチャロン。付け合わせはタカチョと同じくセシーナとチョンタだ。アツアツのうちにレモンをしぼって口に入れると、凶悪な見た目からは想像出来ないほど上品なホロホロの白身だ。ほぼハモの天ぷらじゃないか! 美味い! 美味すぎる! 








Cooking Class at the Amazon Lodge

Tonight's Dinner: Giant Catfish and Crocodile

On the evening of February 16, 2023, we, The Herbsmen, returned to the "Amazon Oasis Lodge," floating on the Momon River, a tributary of the Amazon, weary from the hustle and bustle of Belén Market, known as the "Kitchen of the Amazon." After diving into the river in front of the lodge for a couple of rounds, I took a nap in the hammock in my room as the day slowly turned to dusk. I was looking forward to sleeping surrounded by the dense presence of Amazonian wildlife in our floating jungle lodge. But before that, I started feeling a bit hungry.

As I made my way to the terrace seating of the central building, I found Shankar Noguchi and Jinpei Mizuno already engaged in conversation with a female employee of the lodge.

"Since we went shopping today, we have Pirarucu, as well as Doncella (Tiger Shovelnose Catfish, essentially a giant catfish), and Lagarto (crocodile). Tacacho (unsweetened banana dumplings) is also delicious."

Ah, the opportunity to finally eat the crocodile we saw at the farm the day before has arrived! And what does crocodile ceviche even taste like? Moreover, I had just seen the striking black and white checkered patterned fillets of Doncella at the Belén Market in the afternoon.

"Then, please give us Lagarto ceviche, Doncella chicharrón (fried), and Tacacho. Also, could you let us see how it's made in the kitchen?"

"Of course, you're welcome!"

Cooking Class in the Lodge's Kitchen

Lucky me! It pays to ask! Heading to the kitchen located on the second floor of the central building, a young chef with a resemblance to Cesar was preparing the ingredients. Was he Cesar's brother? Joined by the female employee from earlier, they began cooking together.

"First, we'll make Tacacho. For Tacacho, we use unripe bananas with greenish-yellow skin. Actually, when cooked, they turn bright yellow."

Saying so, the female employee fetched some bright yellow fried bananas from the fridge, placed them in a thick-bottomed pot, and started mashing them with a pestle. Then, she shaped the mashed banana into balls about 5cm in diameter with her hands, like rice balls or dumplings. And just like that, banana dumplings, or Tacacho, were ready in no time.

The male chef began by chopping plenty of cilantro and a vegetable similar to celery, with just a bit of garlic, into a bowl. He then added salt and plenty of lemon juice to create a green marinade for the ceviche. Next, he took out a piece of meat resembling chicken breast from the fridge. This was Lagarto, crocodile meat. He diced it into 2cm cubes and added them to the bowl, pouring hot water over them.

"Crocodile tastes better when it's slightly cooked, not raw."

Phew, saved! We were a bit worried about eating raw river fish and now crocodile—were we going to get hepatitis or something?

After soaking the crocodile meat in hot water for about a minute, it was drained well and then marinated in the green marinade prepared earlier, along with slices of purple onion and Aji Charapita, a small, round, yellow chili pepper, making the Ceviche de Lagarto almost ready.

Next, the chef took out a white fish fillet from the fridge, looking bland. Though its checkerboard skin was removed, it was indeed Doncella (Tiger Shovelnose Catfish). He cut the fillet into 2cm wide strips, seasoned them with salt and pepper, coated them in a mix of flour, cornflour, and beaten eggs, and fried them in plenty of oil until golden brown to complete the Chicharrón. In total, our Amazonian cooking class wrapped up in about 25 minutes. Now, let's head back downstairs to enjoy!

Delicate and Light Dishes of the Amazon

First up was Tacacho, the banana dumplings. They were served with pilaf fried in olive oil and the Amazonian bacon, or Cecina, we saw at the Belén Market in the afternoon, along with white, flaked slices of palm shoots, Chonta. Crumbling Tacacho with a fork and tasting it, the texture was sticky, more like a dumpling made of beans or potatoes than banana. Also, since it was fried with onions and Cecina, the meat's broth flavored it well. Eating it with Chonta was delicious.

Next was the crocodile ceviche, served with boiled yuca (cassava) and fried peanuts. The partially boiled crocodile meat had a taste and texture just like chicken. The abundant cilantro and the refreshing spiciness of Aji Charapita worked well, not bad at all.

The third was Chicharrón of the giant catfish, Doncella, served again with Cecina and Chonta. Squeezing lemon over it while hot and tasting, the menacing appearance belied its refined, flaky white flesh. It's almost like hamo (pike eel) tempura! Delicious! Too delicious!

The dishes made with Amazonian ingredients turned out to be delicate, light, and genuinely delicious, far from the venomous appearance of the ingredients.

Just as we were quietly introspective, the female employee brought in a large plate. On it was a giant chunk of meat, burnt black, with sharp talons at the fingertips and muscular forearms—!

"I'm glad you enjoyed the Amazonian cuisine. This is on the house from the lodge, BBQ crocodile forearm. It's delicious. Please, don't hesitate to enjoy!"

I still think appearances matter, at least in cooking—!
