
What is Real “Peace”?


  When I was a junior high school student I went to the Nagasaki atomic bomb Museum with exchange students from the United States. I had studied about the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in elementary school, but I could not answer the questions of the American students. They asked me many questions about the devastation caused by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I could not answer them because of not only the language barrier between us, but also because of my lack of knowledge. After this experience, I became motivated to learn more about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki so I could explain what happened to others in the hope that it would help promote world peace. I wanted to do my part to make sure that nuclear weapons would never be used again.
After I entered high school I joined a volunteer group called 10,000 high school student signature activity committee. The goal of this group is to promote world peace by advocating for the elimination of nuclear weapons and to donate goods to people in developing countries.Our group travels around Japan and to other countries,doing volunteer work and collecting signatures for the evolution of nuclear weapons.
I went to the Philippines last January with a 10,000 high school student signature activity committee as a peace ambassador. Our main goals were to deliver pencils from Japan to Filipino children, give speeches about atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to collect signatures for abolotion of nuclear weapons. We visited a high school, support facility for underprivileged children, some slum areas and many other places. Our slogan was "Pencils rather than missiles, education rather than military force"
My trip to the Philippines made a deep impression on me. Our group gave Filipino children pencils from Japan and their eyes lit up when they received them. The children told us" Thank you very much." They were so happy to receive something as simple as a pencil. It is very easy for Japanese students to get pencils in Japan but there are many poor students in the Philippines and they can’t easily get many things they need, including pencils. I will never forget the smiling faces of the Filipino children as we gave them pencils.
I had my eyes opened when I went to a slum area in the Philippines. The homes were shabbily built out of mostly paper and they had no electricity, gas, or running water. There was a stark contrast between the slum area and an area nearby with higher-raise apartment buildings, shopping malls, and other beautiful and clean buildings. I was disturbed at the extreme level of inequality between people living so close together. I wondered how there would never be real peace with so many people living in poverty while those that have money and power, ignore or exploit the poor.
It has been almost a year since I joined a 10,000 high school student signature activity committee and I have taken part in many volunteer activities. My view of what peace means has changed significantly. I didn’t think much about world peace before, but no I do. I have learned that a person must never gave up on their dreams and goals, no matter how
many setbacks they encounter. I have also learned that no good deed, no matter how small is unimportant. Giving pencils to poor children may seem meaningless in trying to bring about world peace, but helping others leads to more kindness which can spread throughout the world.(2000/11/19)


