
#26 英語日記(10/11)「習慣って大事」






I am keenly aware of the importance of habit and continuing.
Recently, I can't lift (重い重量?)than before. 

I'd like to work out at gym in the morning because I can't have enough time for myself in the evening due to (仕事の忙しさ)
But, it is tough to get up early (そもそも). I thought I'm good at doing that. 

First of all, I'd like to make it habit to get up early. I think this is the priority.


I am keenly aware of the importance of habit and continuity.
Lately, since I go to the gym less often, I am not able to lift as many heavy dumbbells as I used to.

I have been always thinking that it is important to keep going every day, even if it is little by little.

Therefore, I want to use my morning time effectively in order to make going to the gym a habit.
This is because sometimes unexpected plans come up in the evening.

First of all, I want to make it a habit to go to bed early and get up early. That is my first priority.


  • I am keenly aware of ~ ~を痛感している

  • make it a habit to ~ ~を習慣にしている

  • come up  発生する
    Something came up, so I have to go home. : ちょっと用事ができたので家に帰ります。
