
WBCメキシコ vs 日本から英単語とリスニングを学ぶ!




  • 🇯🇵 日本が逆転勝利を収める。

  • 🌟 メキシコ対日本の試合は感情表現豊かであった。

  • 🤔 日本の選手たちが勝利を収めた要因について解説者たちは話題にした。

  • ⚾️ 日本の中軸はメジャーリーガーでも活躍する選手たちである。

  • 🤝 日本の野球文化に基づく「心」と「基本」が勝利につながった。

  • 💪 日本は劣勢から逆転勝利を収め、粘り強さを見せた。

  • 🏆 決勝戦は日本とアメリカの対戦となる。


息を吐く - catch one's breath
ファーストベースライン - first base line
ビッグポピー - Big Poppy
デビッド・オルティズ - David Ortiz
Aロッド - Alex Rodriguez
ケビン・バークハート - Kevin Burkhardt
センセーショナル - sensational
インニング - inning
タイ - tie
メキシコ - Mexico
リードを取り返す - retake the lead
日本人選手 - Japanese players
ストイック - stoic
感情 - emotion
ベンチ - dugout
ウェーブをする - wave
MLB - Major League Baseball
トーナメント - tournament
ラインナップ - lineup
スタッド - stud
打球 - heater
品質 - quality
基本 - fundamentals
代打 - pinch hitting
二塁打 - double
打者代わりランナー - pinch runner
得点 - score the run
文化 - culture
レッドソックス - Red Sox
契約 - signed a deal
メジャーリーグ - Major League
ホームラン - home runs
三冠王 - Triple Crown
バッター - batter
ポイント - points
ロックイン - locked in
バット - bat
野球 - baseball
心 - heart
原則 - fundamentals
反応 - reaction
対戦相手 - opponent
トラウト - Trout
スタジアム - stadium
腸の粘膜 - intestinal fortitude
逆転 - come back
本塁打 - home run
走塁 - base running
残り - left
出塁 - get on base
気持ち - mentality
軍団 - troops
相手チーム - opposing team
トーナメント - series
メキシコ - Mexico
自信 - confidence
タイム - scratch
心 - heart
誇り - pride
打線 - batting order
ホームラン - home runs
能力 - ability
マインド - mindset
大物 - monster
特殊 - special
自信 - confidence
力 - ability
勝利 - victory
感情 - emotion
緊張 - tension
感動的 - emotional
精神 - spirit
美学 - fundamentals


Mexico vs Japan recap: 'MLB on FOX' crew speaks w/ Lars Nootbaar after advancing to WBC Championship - YouTube

(00:00) two run walk-off double and we're just trying to catch her breath here down the first base line Big Poppy David Ortiz A-Rod Alex Rodriguez I'm Kevin Burkhardt that was a sensational game but really the last three Innings had so much going on with a tie and then Mexico retook the lead and then that

Kevin it was unbelievable and for Japanese players who are known to be a little bit stoic and not emotional yeah to see the emotion in The Dugout Otani going crazy with the wave it was fantastic by the way Major League
(00:32) Baseball has hit the lottery with this tournament

Without a doubt and let me tell you watching this Japanese team playing tonight. I was wondering Kevin why they were so good this team lineup isn't a stud after…  like you don't know where you're gonna go and at what time because every heater has some quality at that to show at all times

I love it papi and Kevin is the attention to detail what this great team what this great culture is known for Pinch hitting double bass running then the pinch
(01:12) Runner scores the run and there

Just fundamentals right but you think about poppy to your point you think about the middle of this order for Japan you've got an MVP in shohei Otani you've got Yoshida who just signed a 90 million dollar deal with the Red Sox is going to play in Fenway this year and then you've got murakami the hero right there who had 56 home runs and won the Triple Crown in Japan last year that's the middle of the order

that's what I'm trying to tell you Kevin like the guy
(01:38) was awful Ford three points out and then all of a sudden you can never give up on this on these batteries because all of a sudden this is what happened I he this guy showed that he was so locked in an Alaska bat I wasn't surprised what he did he ended up doing now that's a bad

Kevin from these are two elements of Japanese baseball his heart and his fundamentals and tonight they were both in display

I love what you said because look we've been watching the greatness of shohei Otani since he came to the
(02:05) states right it's such a joy to watch but the emotion he has never shown that kind of emotion he showed it earlier in the game and then the ninth inning leadoff double he was going crazy it was awesome it was fantastic and look at this Poppy gets the ball inside out and when he hits look at that is the emotion you haven't seen that in a couple years you haven't seen that ever and here's the most emotion flying and then getting his troops ready to go he'd be hanging out with too many Latinos lately

(02:35) he sure has you love the emotion you love the the grit and really like this is when you look at this is the final that I think a lot of people thought would happen you've got Japan that won the first two World Baseball Classics hasn't been back in a while and now Team USA trying to win back-to-back championships and Poppy how about it's Otani against trout

oh wow I can't wait I might sleep here at the stadium tonight I'll be here with you baby you know when you look at this just the the intestinal fortitude to come back
(03:12) and win after the Yoshida home run to tie it and then when Mexico immediately came back and took the lead you're like okay that was impressive they kind of put him in Bay but for Japan to say okay we're not done and hang in and come back again because they left so many guys on base tonight I thought that was impressive

Kevin you had last week when they played Korea Japan there was almost 70 million Japanese folks watching I had a buddy of mine in the subway in Japan and he said everybody was on their phone
(03:38) watching but look this game had to feel poppy that the last team that hit was going to win that was the home team Japanese they just kept bouncing back no strikeouts hit the ball base running they did it all and it was impressive to watch

Absolutely tomorrow is gonna be the battle of the Titan and it's because the two teams that played their best I mean during the whole series these two teams never show any fear I mean US play against Mexico the one game that Mexico ended up beating them yep but after that
(04:15) it was like okay let's show the whole world how good we are and then when you go to the to the Japanese team I mean it's incredible it's impressive what they end up doing tonight

Also the style of baseball Kevin this early in the year mid-march you're not seeing balls thrown away you're seeing great fundamentals you've seen pitching offense Power contact it's an incredible brand of baseball the pace isn't better on average about three hour games has just been fantastic

so we we know about we
(04:43) know about ohtani but for your Red Sox with Yoshida right all the Red Sox fans wondering what's he gonna be like what's he gonna bring to the table they're down 3-0 in the seventh he hits a lunar lander that landed halfway up that pole down there that was an impressive at-bat well

I can give you a quick breakdown about the guy that I sold tonight this guy can go from one pole to the other he can use the whole field for power and also for batting average that's the guy that I sold tonight watch(05:13) this bam change that down and in that's not an easy piece to drive out he hit him out

Yeah he's got 13 RBIs now which is the most ever in this tournament so that's the kind of thing that he's done is a large new bar going to come on in and join us take a seat I tried to calm down after all that emotion uh wow we're just we're reliving it just like you lived it I mean what just happened Lars

I don't even know I really don't even know I'm still trying to figure it out I don't know if you guys figured it out I
(05:43) was saying earlier I didn't want to get like a flag or a penalty for for too many men on the field after right there at the end of the game when the relay was coming in so crazy game man crazy emotions oh it's good to be on top though

that's for sure walk me through what's happening in The Dugout you're down 3-0 your team has all the heart all the fundamentals but still 3-0 what are you guys thinking before that home run

Yeah I mean obviously you know we got you know yoshidas came up so big for us
(06:07) this whole tournament and we were getting guys on all game long we just weren't cashing it in so I think as a group we kind of had confidence that we were going to scratch them across it's just a matter of when we were taking good at bats here it is right here unbelievable but you know that that's kind of the the group mentality you know just never give up we're playing for our country the WBC it's unbelievable

This is the first time you play with a group of guys like this yeah I've been watching the whole game I
(06:33) see the chemistry in the dog out what made that that ball close so good

Yeah I think I mean a lot of credit goes to the guys that were there since February you know they've been they've been working out as a team since February and and so you know they know it's at stake and we got Japan across our chest and they wear that with pride everybody does in The Dugout and so um you know we'd be foolish if we ever gave up during that game and you know it just goes to show these guys are unbelievable and I'm just glad that they
(06:57) accepted me

Larson was so cool uh you know we've seen the greatness of shohei he's amazing but I don't think we've ever seen the emotion that he showed tonight especially in the ninth inning he rips that double and he is flexing like Hulk Hogan out there I thought that was so cool what was the what you know what did The Dugout feel when he did that

Yeah I was saying it earlier anytime you see show hey show emotion like that you know it's real and so that gets everybody fired up when a quiet guy
(07:19) like that with a cool demeanor gets fired up it it lights a fire under everybody and so um he said he said earlier he made up his mind that he was gonna get on base and I was like man I wish I could just make up my mind and get on base in that situation too but you know that just goes to show the greatness of the show

Well Kevin aboutani was uh Hulk Hogan I think my man here was Ric Flair but it was exciting what are you guys talking I mean obviously you're talking in Japanese what are the boys talking as
(07:43) they're down is there a lot of like hey boys let's go is the spirits are high

Yeah yeah absolutely and they're saying saiko let's go you know and I'm saying let's go too and you know the spirits are always up in that Dugout saiko saiko let's go you know so that's kind of the word that I picked up over the past two weeks you know don't want words that I picked up over the past two weeks but that's just you know the team said it so often and they're just I don't
(08:05) want to keep repeating myself but there's just that fire in that mentality with this thing that's special

let me tell you murakami the guy he didn't show up early in the game today well he showed up late in the game and the guy the past couple of years in Japan he had showed some monster numbers yeah what type of player he really is he's

yeah he's a special player you know and like you said he he broke side of Harold's record of 15 55 home runs last year and so having a guy like that to
(08:32) play he's got so much ability that you know as a team we got so much confidence in him and so um for him to come in like that big you know like you said after not coming in you know the way he wanted to perform earlier in the game that just shows that mentality that he has in the players the young player like that too to be able to come through like that's huge

you know large Sasaki I know the game was decided late but that this was really I think the first time that a lot of folks especially here in this country got to
(08:54) see him right yeah everyone said he's probably the greatest pitcher that you've never seen maybe the greatest pitch that's not in the majors yet but what did you see what have you seen in his two starts I mean that watching that tonight was unbelievable

yeah he's special and and he's kind of got that mentality too he's got that dog mentality about him too where that's that's what I respect the most about him he's got crazy ability but you know what I mean he he wants it bad and he can't
(09:16) wait to come and show you know show the states what he's got obviously today he was kind of showing it today so um first game I saw he hit 103. so that you know that sold me right away I was like all right that's all I need to see yeah

so tomorrow you go up against the U.
(09:30) S some of your teammates Goldie Arenado a little awkward how's that going to feel tomorrow

uh I'll see if I got a check from them I won't text them first but if they text me I'll respond to them but I said it earlier we were talking a lot of snack to each other and they held up their end of the bargain so now it's time for The Showdown I'm excited

How do you say in Japanese we kick butt yeah to come out there yeah you know I'm still learning I'm still learning Papi Mars appreciate you man congrats enjoy this we'll see you tomorrow!












この試合は最後の最後まで分からなかったが、多くの人々、特にこの国の人々にとって、彼を初めて見たと思う。皆が彼を「メジャーにいながら最高の投手かもしれない」と言っているが、あなたは何を見たのか。2つのスタートで何を見たのか。今夜見ていたのは信じられなかった。彼は特別な選手で、犬のようなメンタリティも持っている。それが彼に最も尊敬するところであり、彼は狂気的な能力を持っているが、それ以上に、彼はそれを熱望している。今日はそれを証明していた。初めて彼が投げた試合では、103マイルを投げていた。それを見た瞬間、私は彼に惚れ込んだ。明日はアメリカと対戦するが、あなたのチームメイトのゴールディ・アレナドとはちょっと気まずいか。いかがですか? あなたは彼らからメッセージを受け取ったら返信するつもりだが、自分からは送らないつもりだ。前に言ったように、お互いにジョークを言い合っていたので、彼らは自分たちの言葉に責任を持っていた。それで、これからは真剣勝負の時間だ。私は興奮している。日本語で、「勝つぞ!」ってどう言うんですか?まだ勉強中なんで。Papi Mars、ありがとう、おめでとう、楽しんでね。明日会おう。
