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2022 Haverford Supplemental Essay

Tell us about a topic or issue that sparks your curiosity and gets you intellectually excited. How do you think the environment at Haverford, including the framework of the Honor Code, would foster your continued intellectual growth? Please limit your response to 250 words.

When I heard the news of the ruling on the Dobbs case, my desire to go to the United States was actually strengthened. This decision was not only about abortion, but an extension of the social, ideological, and political conflicts that have existed since the founding of the United States. Since I was born in a culture which has a different, less adversarial, and overall more passive view of politics (as evidenced by lower voter participation than in the US), I am interested in diving into a system featuring inclusivity, enthusiastic participation, and initiative-taking, and there is nowhere better to do this than Haverford. 

The Haverford community can be called a small America. In such a community, I hope to not only study political science as logic, but also to experience firsthand the government of students, by students, for students, through active participation in Student Council and other activities. It is worth noting that even if not everyone thinks the Honor Code is the best framework of all, it has been the foundation of Haverford for about 130 years (longer than the Constitution of Japan!). Even today, we do not let the debate go by without discussing cases of alcohol, drugs, and discrimination. 

In the fascinating microcosm of Haverford, I would like to unravel the question of where the roots of the American spirit, climate of independence, and sense of freedom, equality, and human rights lie, from historical, literary, political, economic, and social perspectives.  (244words)

Please tell us what motivated you to apply to Haverford and what excites you most as you imagine your Haverford experience. Please limit your response to 150 words.

Even at my school, where the classes are supposed to be closed, people lock their lockers. Why do people at Haverford trust each other like family? I want to understand this pleasantly surprising spirit.  

Academically, I would like to publish a book for Japanese people named “Democracy in America” to introduce American politics from the local to the federal levels from my experience in classes like Philadelphia Politics and US Constitution. In Fine Arts, I am excited to study the relationship between cities and people, and possibly even craft my own photography exhibition on this theme, using the Magill Library’s vast collection of works and its numerous exhibitions as a resource.

I hope to bring smiles and academic excitement by sharing unique articles in The Clerk about street photography, Japanese philosophy of law and politics, and daily life, discussing them over dinner with my brothers and sisters at Haverford.  (149words)
