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2022 Northwestern Supplemental Essay

In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond.

For me, Political Science and Photography are humanistic subjects that affirm a person's value as they are. I want to work together with the members of Northwestern to create a new vision of human rights, democracy, and society from the perspectives of Political Science and Photography.
Northwestern's Thematic Concentration in Political Science allows me to study the future of democracy in America and the world from political, economic, and literary perspectives.

In addition to this theoretical field, Chicago Field Studies' Field Studies in Civic Engagement also provides me with the opportunity to observe the political activities of citizens to learn about individual self-determination, freedom, equality, and human rights, as well as the political and civic level of democracy in America. 

In Art, Theory, Practice/Art History, I would like to study the state of photography (street snapshots) as an art form in this age where the Internet is flooded with countless photos, under Professor Brendan Fernandes, who studies the influence of Vivien Maier on SNS.

I am also excited to work under Professor Pamela Bannos to further pursue my theme of the search for beauty in everyday life beyond photography, and to study the relationship between people and the city and the difference between Western and Eastern aesthetics as seen through the structure of cities.

In addition, in the North by Northwestern newspaper, I'm looking forward to sharing beautiful Chicago street snaps, and to introducing Japanese Philosophy of Law and Politics such as Maruyama Masao and Dando Shigemitsu with their background.

Northwestern thus provides an opportunity to experience firsthand the climate of freedom, equality, and human rights in the United States both inside and outside of school. This is why I want to be a part of American democracy and study its future in the microcosm that is Northwestern. (298words)
