

“Hey Caldy!! what’s goin’ on?”

“yah! so so good. what’s me today?”

“my company boss gave me gift money 1000$!!! wanna enjoy with you friends!!!”

“really??? wow!!! you so lucky!! me too!!! thanks for invite. wow!! 1000$!!! your boss is so polite anyway.”

“yes!!! im proud join that project team. by the way!!! what do you wanna do???”

“let’s go to movie theme park!! you like too!! i wanna smile together with you Arc!!!”

“yeah! friends!!! good idea!!! here we gooooooo!!!!!”

We had hang out together so much.

“hey Caldy! wanna give you bit of this 1000$  cause you always make me smile. hey!!”

Arc shows 100$ to me but i responsed
“no no no no Arc!!! that’s your saraly!!! you colud get that because worked so hard!!! and already you treat me so much!!! you can use freely!!”

“he he he thanks friends!”

“ you too!!!”

“ok! see you later alligator!!”

“Don’t forget your toiletpaper!!!”

couple days later.....
i met with Arc however something strage feelings... Arc said...

“hey. you should back for me theme park fee. can you pay???”

“hey.... Arc...why... that’s friends treat isn’t it???”

“i just said what do you wanna do... that was seriously sell for you.”

“Arc... first you need to calm down... if you say so... i pay to you but.... after i did... never relate with me. never appear in front of me. “

hmm... Arc traped me.......... one of my friends... no no no... old past friend...
holly shit....

the other day....
Arc appeared in front of me...and said...
“Caldy.... hey... first... sooo sorry...”

“what’s??? i don’t wanna talk with you and never see your face!!!”

“ hey... sorry sorry... listen!! listen!! believe me again... ok i speak out everything... in fact... same phrase which i said to you from my boss.... so... that 1000$ wasn’t gift...then... i need money so... sorry...”

“you tricked me!!!! i don’t forget!!! can’t believe you. this story that you speak out might lie!!!!”

“ no no no no!!! believe!!! i need your inteligence... please idea for something trap to my boss as we win... if you could resolve this issu i’ll get back money from boss then bit of that and let’s go to theme park again!!! hey!!! friends!!!”

“i was traped fall from you before... how can i beleive you???”

“ok... can you promise? if now your speaking was lie... i never friendship with you.”


“hey!!! anyway!!! let’s think how to resolve it.”

“thanks friends!!!”

so then.....our guineoustic idea made us win as traply.
and Arc’s boss said
“sorry.... you can’t believe me already but.. finally only bit words please listen...
sorry... me too.... i was traped long long years ago from dirty exsistence...


message from RYO
  what did you get from this story?

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