




IDBM時代のチームメイトで、現在でも仲の良い友人が、現在はIDBMのDoctoral Candidate(博士号生)としてプログラムの発展に力を注いでいる。たまに会ってIDBMの現在の様子などを聞いているが、本人曰く、進化しているとのこと。①カリキュラムの大幅な改善と、②ネットワークの醸成(様々な海外大学院プログラムとのコラボレーション)、においてがんばっている様である。







The applicant must convey his/her motivation for studying in the IDBM Major Studies Programme by writing a letter of motivation. The letter should address the following questions:

1. Why am I applying for admission to the IDBM Master’s Programme?
2. What am I expecting to learn or gain by participating in the IDBM Programme?
3. What can I contribute to fellow students and to the continued success of the IDBM Programme?

Why am I applying for admission to the IDBM Master’s Programme?
I started out my professional career as a junior designer at my current company focusing mainly on crafting beautiful and usable UI for smartphone applications. Designing for other clients’ projects gave me plenty of joyful experiences doing user-centered craft. With competitive advantage on usability, we won projects from national companies. Three years ago, I shifted positions to focus on our company’s own enterprise software​. Unlike our clients’ projects where the goal was to just deliver the final product, our product had to sell – we ourselves were responsible for generating revenue with its sales. As a designer who had only done pure craft up until that point, it was challenging to create a scaling business. Natural progression vectored me into becoming aware of the combination of good design and sustainable monetization. Stepping out of my defined role, I collaborated with marketing and sales teams to gain knowledge about the business side of our product. To transition from a craft-only designer to an asset who could design a profitable business, I attended sales calls and immersed myself into marketing efforts. ​In the end, our product acquired over 1,000 customers since its release. We successfully defined problems and delivered solutions that appealed, so it was a satisfying experience to watch it sell to our customers.

In the last three years, I have crystallized my long term goal to becoming an impactful designer leading larger organizational directions balanced with business and design. The IDBM Programme at Aalto is the ideal environment to learn how to seamlessly integrate the two essential factors in managing successful businesses, for the following reasons.



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