[3次元の回転 回転後の位置座標算出]のためのクラス, Python(パイソン) 使って作ってみた ,ソースプログラムリスト あり

Python(パイソン) プログラム作ってみた インデックス へ

2024.8.23 presented in [note] ( //note.com/runningWater/ )
2024.8.24 rewritten

1 はじめに





このプログラムは、Python(パイソン) 言語を使って、記述されている。

2 どんなものを作ったのか




そのような時には、[2度目の回転に対応する行列] と [1度目の回転に対応する行列] との積を求めておけば、それを、[連続的回転に対応するような行列] として使うことができるのだろう、と考えた。


3 プログラムの内容



 arg_first_rotation_around_axis に、1度目の回転の中心となる軸の種別(X , Y , Z)を与え、
 arg_first_rotation_angle_degree に、回転角度を与える

 arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation には、"N" を与え
 arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation には、"Y" を与え
行列の積は、[numpy] の [matmul] を使って、求めるようにした。

 arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation に、回転前の座標値( [x , y , z] ) を与え、
 calculate_cordinate_after_rotation メソッドをコールすると、回転後の座標値が、返ってくる、というようにした。

ファイル名 [MatrixFor3DRotaion.py]


import numpy as NUMPY
import math

class MatrixFor3DRotaion :

    CV_CLASS_NAME = "MatrixFor3DRotaion"

        # definition of constructer
    def __init__( self
                , arg_requester_module
                , arg_requester_function
                      #when doing first rotation, around, what axis?
                , arg_first_rotation_around_axis
                      #when doing first rotation, how dgree, used?
                , arg_first_rotation_angle_degree

                , arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation

                      #when doing second rotation, around, what axis?
                , arg_second_rotation_around_axis
                      #when doing second rotation, how dgree, used?
                , arg_second_rotation_angle_degree
                ) :

        methode_name = "constructer"

        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Enter into , Class = " + MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        print ( "==================================" )

        self.iv_first_rotation_around_axis = arg_first_rotation_around_axis
        self.iv_first_rotation_angle_degree = \
        self.iv_first_rotation_angle_radian  \
            = self.iv_first_rotation_angle_degree  \
                * ( math.pi / 180.0 )
        self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation \
            = self.make_matrix ( \
                , self.iv_first_rotation_angle_radian
        self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation = arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation

        if ( self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation != "Y" ) :
            self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation \
               = self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation

            self.iv_second_rotation_around_axis = " "
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_degree = 0
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_radian = 0

            print ( "self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation = " /
                           + self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation )

            print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation = " )
            print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation )
            print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation = " )
            print (  self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation )

            print ( "==================================" )
            print ( "Exit from , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
            print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
            print ( "==================================" )


        else :   # need_Y_N_second_rotation
            self.iv_second_rotation_around_axis = \
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_degree = \
            self.iv_second_rotation_angle_radian  \
                = self.iv_second_rotation_angle_degree  \
                          * ( math.pi / 180.0 )

            self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_second_rotation \
                   = self.make_matrix ( \
                        , self.iv_second_rotation_angle_radian
                     # make matrix of multiplaying first and second rotation
            self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation \
                = NUMPY.matmul (  \
                     , self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation

            print ( "self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation = " \
                           + self.iv_need_Y_N_second_rotation )

            print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_second_rotation = " )
            print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_second_rotation )
            print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation = " )
            print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_first_rotation )
            print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation = " )
            print (  self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation )

            print ( "==================================" )
            print ( "Exit from , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
            print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
            print ( "==================================" )


               # ---------------------------------------
        print ( "==================================" )
        print ( "Exit from , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        print ( "    arg_requester_module = " + arg_requester_module
                   + " , arg_requester_function = " + arg_requester_function )
        print ( "==================================" )

    def  calculate_cordinate_after_rotation ( self   \
               , arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation
                                            ) :

        methode_name = "calculate_cordinate_after_rotation"

        # print ( "==================================" )
        # print ( "Enter into  , Class = " +  MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
        #               + " , methode = " + methode_name )
        # print ( "    arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation = " )
        # print ( arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation )
        # print ( "==================================" )

        cordinate_before_NUMPY =   \
              NUMPY.array (        \
                  [ \
                    [ arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation [ 0 ] ] \
                  , [ arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation [ 1 ] ] \
                  , [ arg_list_cordinate_before_rotation [ 2 ] ] \
                  ] \

        # print ( "cordinate_before_NUMPY = " )
        # print ( cordinate_before_NUMPY )

        # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation = " )
        # print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation )

        # print ( "*****************************" )
        # print ( "*****************************" )
        # print ( "*****************************" )

        return_matrixUsingNUMPY = NUMPY.matmul (   \

        # print ( "cordinate_before_NUMPY = " )
        # print ( cordinate_before_NUMPY )

        # print ( "self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation = " )
        # print ( self.iv_ins_MatrixUsingNUMPY_for_rotation )

        # print ( "return_matrixUsingNUMPY = " )
        # print ( return_matrixUsingNUMPY )

        # print ( "************************" )
        # print ( "matmul done" )
        # print ( "************************" )

        return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

    def  make_matrix ( self   \
                    , arg_rotation_around_axis
                    , arg_rotation_angle_radian
                                            ) :

        methode_name = "make_matrix"

        rotation_matrix_value = [
                                  [ 1 , 0 , 0 ] ,
                                  [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] ,
                                  [ 0 , 0 , 1 ]

        if ( arg_rotation_around_axis == "Z" ) :
                              #rotation around Z axis
                              # direction X axis --> Y axis

                      #--------- row 1 ---------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ] [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                      = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1  ] [ 2 - 1 ]  \
                      = ( 0.0 - math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian ) )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]  \
                      = 0.0
                      #---------- row 2 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 1 - 1 ]   \
                         = math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 2 - 1 ]    \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
                     #---------- row 3 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]  [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]  [ 2 - 1 ]  \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]   \
                         = 1.0

            return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
            return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

        if ( arg_rotation_around_axis == "Y" ) :
                              #rotation around Y axis
                              # direction X axis --> Z axis

                      #--------- row 1 ---------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1  ]    [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]  [ 3 - 1 ]      \
                         = math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
                      #---------- row 2 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]    \
                         = 1.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]      \
                         = 0.0
                     #---------- row 3 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]   \
                         = 0.0 - math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]    \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )

            return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
            return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

        if ( arg_rotation_around_axis == "X" ) :
                              #rotation around X axis
                              # direction Y axis --> Z axis

                      #--------- row 1 ---------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]     \
                         = 1.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1  ]   [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 1 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
                      #---------- row 2 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]  [ 1 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 2 - 1 ]   [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = 0.0 - math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
                     #---------- row 3 --------------
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 1 - 1 ]    \
                         = 0.0
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]   [ 2 - 1 ]     \
                         = math.sin ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )
            rotation_matrix_value [ 3 - 1 ]    [ 3 - 1 ]     \
                         = math.cos ( arg_rotation_angle_radian )

            return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
            return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

        return_matrixUsingNUMPY   \
                = NUMPY.array ( rotation_matrix_value )
        return  return_matrixUsingNUMPY

   # Test Run

# requester_module = "___"
# requester_function = "Test Run"

# methode_name = "Test Run"

# print ( "==================================" )
# print ( "==== Test Run  ==============================" )
# print ( "==================================" )
# print ( " " )

# print ( "==================================" )
# print ( "Enter into , Class = " + MatrixFor3DRotaion.CV_CLASS_NAME
#                      + " , methode = " + methode_name )
# print ( "==================================" )

# print ( "NUMPY.__version__ = " , NUMPY.__version__ )

# matrix_1 = MatrixFor3DRotaion (  \
#                  "___"  # arg_requester_module
#                , "---"  # arg_requester_function
                      #when doing first rotation, around, what axis?
#                , "Z"    # arg_first_rotation_around_axis
#                      #when doing first rotation, how dgree, used?
#                , 30    # arg_first_rotation_angle_degree

#                , "Y"   # arg_need_Y_N_second_rotation

                      #when doing second rotation, around, what axis?
#                , "X"    #  arg_second_rotation_around_axis
#                      #when doing second rotation, how dgree, used?
#                , 45      #  arg_second_rotation_angle_degree
#                )

# return_1 = matrix_1.calculate_cordinate_after_rotation (    \
#                   [ 1.0  ,  0  ,  0 ] )
# print ( "return_1 = " )
# print ( return_1 )


Python(パイソン) プログラム作ってみた インデックス へ
