
余白がないと、入ることもできない。~If you do not have any room, no one can get into your space.~















特にその感覚を得たのが、Guest House wayaの改築中です。






以前、人を巻き込む上で必要な3つのこと〜 3 things to consider when doing work that involves people 〜というブログを書きました。















I recently read "A Chance of Success" by Yuji Meade. He created a virtual space for live music on the internet called Showroom, where Japanese idols and other artists can perform, getting fans and money. It's like giving money to street performers, except you can do it on the internet.
On top of that, this service leads to scenarios in which people who support these artists can connect with them, leading to the formations of relationships and even genuine friendships.

He formed a community on the internet. As opposed to my having formed a community in the real world.
Even though there is a great difference between the two, I am still able to relate on a deep level to his feelings and thoughts on forming a community.
I would like to compare and contrast a few of the things he's written in his book with some of the things that have appeared on this blog.

1. Making a space that can use some help.

It probably rings a bell, but it can be reiterated that this is a big part of forming a community.
Meade explains this with the example of a bar that comes with a surcharge, referred to in Japan as a "snack" house. They are run by women, referred to as "Mama", whose job is to engage in fun conversation with customers, on top of everything else that comes with running a usual bar/restaurant.
The Mama does not have to be young and beautiful. She is generally older, and often takes part in the drinking with the customers, occasionally passing out before the customers even leave.
This vulnerability that she displays is what we think of as "space."
People tend to want to help those who are flawed or who display their weaknesses.
We learned this while working on building Waya.

I started a company with my friends upon having graduated from university.
We were 3 inexperienced boys, so we had a lot of flaws, and we were far from perfection.
However, our headstrong attitude gave many people a good impression, and they were able to sympathize with us to the point that over 200 people ended up volunteering to help us create Waya hostel.
One guy who helped us out said he was happy that he could fill the role of the "3rd person" when he was with us.

He didn't mean it in the literal sense of a certain number of people, but rather in the figurative sense that, persons 1 and 2 being the leader and the members respectively, he could be in a supporting role; or person 3.
We had so many flaws that we could be helped in so many different ways.

In a previous blog, I wrote about 3 things to consider when doing work that involves people. I emphasized in this post the importance of being willing to show your imperfections and vulnerabilities.
Please try to picture this: there is a "perfect" person in front of you. How can you be of any help to them? They are perfect, and thus don't need a hand with anything.
If you want many people to get involved, you have to have the courage to let your pride go, and just be vulnerable.
If you're able to do so, more people than you expect will support you.

2. The presence of regulars.

Meade puts emphasis on the importance of having regulars.
In my case, I refer to them as friends.
I often go camping, have barbecues, and go out for drinks with these people.
My regulars are people who think of my place as their own, like a second home.
If like-minded people gather in one place, the number of people is bound to grow, and thus a community will be formed.
One thing to be careful about in this scenario is the potential for a sense of belonging being too strong, to a point that one may begin to reject those who don't seem to fit in based on imaginary standards.
In this scenario, you have to talk to the people who feel or act this way, and clarify what kind of place you want to make (in our case; a place that anyone can call home).

In addition to these points, Meade points out 3 things:
1. Creating a virtual opponent.
2. Sharing a common language and inside information with regulars.
3. Having a shared goal and direction.

These pertain more to the virtual world, and admittedly there are many more differences that could be pointed out, but you can learn much about forming a community in either of these situations.
