
流行りに頼ると思考が止まる〜If you rely solely on trends when attempting to create something new, you will soon find yourself at a loss.〜

※English ver will be updated tomorrow.

先日 Earth Cube Japanの中村さんと、株式会社コーブが経営するシェハウスIroriでトークイベントを行なってきました。























The other day I had an event with Mr. Nakamura, a representative of an NPO called Earth Cube Japan.

The event was called “A place in which enhances the value of the surrounding area.”
I talked about this topic with him and he said that a business plan that involves startup money from the bank is not the way to go.
This led to a conversation about why we should not follow trends, or even try to create them.
He told me, “All trends eventually fall out of fashion.”

You can create a boom, but if you want something to have staying power, it must be created with a personal attachment, and with originality.

One other reason he gave me for not focusing on trends: “If you rely solely on trends when attempting to create something new, you will soon find yourself at a loss.”
If you are satisfied with people buying your products due to your ability to read and stay ahead of trends, you will no longer have use for your creativity.
If you see that trends are heading in a certain direction and choose to use that to appeal to your target audience, you will eventually reach a dead end, in which the trend you relied so much on comes to a sudden halt and people are no longer interested in what you have to offer.

As the manager of a hostel, I have come to the conclusion that we need to make a place where people constantly come, regardless of the current state of things, rather than making one in which people choose to come because it is currently the cool place to be.

I’ve been searching for an answer, and thus far, this is what I’ve come up with: Such a place has a specific person/people that guests would like to meet.

My assumption is that most people don’t choose to return to a place due to the delicious food or wonderful scenery, regardless of how great they may be.
However, people do sometimes go all the way back to even the most remote of places just to meet someone they really appreciate again.
I fall under this category.

I can’t see myself going somewhere again for food or a view, but if there is someone I want to meet again, I will visit them, wherever they may be, over and over.

If you plan on creating a place, or starting something new, I recommend thinking about how you can become someone that people want to meet over and over again.
Think about what kind of places people want to come to regularly rather than what trends are currently popular.
Please take these into consideration.
