
人生は所詮思い出づくりだ 〜At the end of it all, life is about making memories. 〜











そして、この発言がきっかけで、出会って10年目にして初めて河嶋を尊敬しました。笑 (嘘です。心から尊敬しています。)



























Life is all about memories.
I’ve recently touched on this topic during my speeches in front of students.

When I start a speech in this manner, the students look at me like, what the hell is this guy talking about. I can see their confusion in their faces.

Life is all about making memories.
I was once told this by Shun — one of the other founders of Staylink.
The reason he brought it up, was that one of our best friends was about to move to Tokyo for his job. We were all pretty down about it, and so we decided to make a memory that we could all really cherish together. He suggested that we run a marathon together, except, instead of doing it all at once, we would do a 6-person, 220 km relay. 

As a few weeks went by, we felt our motivation for doing the marathon waning. That was when Shun said, “Life is all about making memories. We have to make even the most mundane experiences into ones that are unforgettable, and in this way, we will have countless amazing memories to look back on at the end of our lives. This is the meaning of taking on a challenge!”

When I heard him say this, I found that I respected him for the first time in 10 years. (Kidding. I’ve always looked up to Shun. haha)

Since then, I often tell the students that life is all about making memories.

I can often say “Let’s take on a challenge!”, but it is easier said than done, as people generally can’t even assign a meaning to the word.
Is it about increasing your knowledge? Improving your skills? Being acknowledged for your greatness?
There are many meanings of the word “challenge.”

However, if you are asked about what you want to end up doing with your life — what it’s all about, it is quite difficult to put into words.
What is my purpose for living?
Some people go down this rabbit hole of philosophical thought and never truly come up with an answer they are satisfied with.

Some are able to figure this out easily, but many cannot. It is all perspective.
The realization that at the end of life, all we are left with is our memories, and the subsequent placing of importance in creating those memories, is liberating, in that it allows us to drop that existential weight off of our shoulders and live day to day with a simple but powerful purpose.

The amount things you do in your life correlates directly with how many memories you focus on creating with the people you consider precious.
If you want to help thousands of suffering people, you should go for it. If you choose to focus only on your family and close friends, that is wonderful in and of itself, so you should go for it. 

A week ago, I talked with Anil, one of our crewmates.
“To take on a challenge means to head to the future full steam ahead, creating things that do not yet exist and finding places we’ve never been, and all of it resulting in our individual growth along the way.”

In this idea, the starting point of the challenge is the present, with one’s arrow pointed unwaveringly at the future. My image of a challenge is slightly different from everyone else’s. My starting point is already the future, and the goal is to bring precious memories into existence, or in other words, to make flowers bloom. 

How can I make a flower bloom?
This question is the source of my idea for what it means to take on a challenge.

Life is all about making memories.

I will keep striving to take on challenges.

Let’s make more wonderful memories with the precious people in our lives.

While creating these memories, I want to do so with people I hold dear, like my crewmates in Staylink.
