
思考が止まっても、足を動かす〜If you find yourself at a loss for thought, just move your feet.〜










































I’ve been told things like, “I don’t know what to do right now” or “I can’t come up with/think of anything.” I know these thoughts, and the emotions that come along with them, very well.

Up until just before my second year of university, I’d been pursuing my dream of becoming a professional soccer player, to the extent that I’d devoted up to 90% of my waking hours to soccer.

Just before entering that second year, I gave up on my dream.
I will never forget the emptiness I felt during the period that followed.
I’d thought to myself, “What is the meaning of life without soccer?” “What am I living for?”
These thoughts swirled around in my head 24/7.

I was paralyzed by my situation.
I didn’t know what to do with myself, so I’d kind of just loaf around until it was time to sleep again.
I was stuck in this rut for about a month.

Eventually, as with all things, time passed and I got to a point where I was sick of it, so I decided to try and do something. I was still not at a point where I could think in a clear manner, but I didn’t need to be able to do so in order to simply move my body.
Upon realizing this, I decided to volunteer as the staff of a relief team for the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Upon arriving there, I realized how devastating the earthquake really had been.
At first, I was once again paralyzed, this time just by the shock that came from witnessing the damage that had far exceeded my expectations.
“What can I even do here?”
“Am I really of any value, or am I just going to be in the way?”
I had many hesitant thoughts, and I wasn’t sure how to interact with the local people who had just lived through this disaster and had lost everything.
While thinking these thoughts, I found myself unable to put on a smile and be cheerful, and yet when I watched the locals at work, they were constantly smiling and never quit working to restore their home.

Why was everyone smiling? Did they not feel pain? Being young, I asked this brash question without having thought much about it.
I was told that, of course it is painful. It is more painful than one could have imagined, but that is not an excuse — we still have to look forward, and move on somehow. I realized that buried beneath those smiles was a great deal of sadness, and how petty my previous worries had been in comparison.

Since then, I experienced a profound change in my level of motivation, and found myself working hard on everything I did. I went backpacking, did internships, volunteered in several places, and joined lectures geared towards business people. One of these projects impacted my life dramatically, and led to the decision to start my own company in the future.

If you find yourself at a loss for thought, just move your feet. This actually leads to experiences and perhaps a change in perspective that will allow you to find the thoughts you originally were unable to.
The reason you are at a loss for thought in the first place, is because you are expecting results without action. If you take action, your brain will follow suit.

To move your feet means to take part in activities that can benefit you and perhaps those around you in some shape or form, leading to meeting people who have experiences and perspectives that are different than yours.
You can expand your knowledge through meeting people and collecting new experiences.
If you expand your knowledge and perspective, you will come up with many new ideas. If you come up with new ideas, you will no longer find yourself at a loss for thought.

Moving your feet starts a cycle that allows your brain to function — a cycle of thoughts and action, the two being inseparable.

When you are at a loss for thought, force yourself first to move your feet, and see what happens next.
