
僕らが場をつくるわけ〜The reason we make places.〜





































人を巻き込む上で必要な3つのこと〜 3 things to consider when doing work that involves people 〜 」でも書きましたが、①完成度”0”の状態から発信を始める、②不完全さによる凸凹を晒すということは非常に大事です。
























The reason we make places.

On July 1st, I participated in an event called “The reason we make places.”

There were 5 speakers, including me.

All 5 of us run our own places.
The event went well. We were constantly laughing and the atmosphere was warm.
Each speaker has different values and points of view, so I was really exposed to various ways of thinking.

One question asked was “what is difficult about making places?” My answer was that, the difficulties vary depending on what phase you are in.

There are a multitude of difficulties in each phase of making a place; I would like to address the first one now.

Phase 1: Before deciding on a location.

The phase before choosing your location is important, as it is when you should be coming up with your philosophy.
It is easy to take this phase lightly, as you are not yet working on the physical location, but it is not a stretch to say that this is the most important phase of all.
I’d like to use this post to delve a bit deeper into what can/should be accomplished during this phase.

1. Decide on your purpose.

Before starting to create an actual place, you should first figure out what your purpose is.
As the place I made was a hostel, I will use hostels as my main example.
There are some merits to running a hostel: You can meet people from all over the world, and it is work that you can enjoy while still being productive. On the other hand, the hours are long, which results in a lack of private time.
If you start a hostel with your main motivation being that you think it will be fun, you would be able to get started quite easily, but eventually that motivation wanes, and I’m not sure it would be enough motivation to continue running the place.
After 3 years, fun as a motivating factor can be potentially inadequate, and eventually people are apt to quit.

The reason for this sudden lack of motivation is that the original purpose was simply starting and running a hostel.
If you change your perspective, and think of running a hostel as a means for achieving a purpose, rather than the purpose itself, the results are bound to change. Ask yourself, what kind of world/society do you want to create? What kind of person do you want to become? What can you do for others?
I recommend trying to find the answers to these questions, and along the way you may find your purpose as well.

In the case of Staylink (our company), our mission statement is “Make the Place, Link the World.”
A hostel is just one of our mediums for achieving this goal. Our purpose is to have a place that people, upon having stayed, will have formed connections with other people, to the point that they would like to meet again in the future, perhaps more than once. The result would be the person who stayed with us having made many friends that they want to meet again all over the world.
We would like to create this kind of world.
The source of our motivation is this idea.

If you started a hostel because it just seemed like fun, you would eventually quit, because as with all things, it would get old eventually, and you would search for something else that was fun and new in it’s place.
Instead, ask yourself, “What kind of place do I want to create? Is starting and running a hostel the only way I can achieve my purpose? Are there any others? Is it really a hostel that I want to commit myself to?”
Ask yourself these questions repeatedly, until you have a true and deep understanding of how you really feel towards them.
Ask yourself “why” at least 3 times.
I’m sure that you will think about them on a much deeper level with each attempt at introspection.

2. Offer information

I’ve mentioned this in a previous entry (3 things to consider when doing work that involves people), but it is related to this topic as well. I would like to reiterate 2 of those points: 1) Begin sharing your story, even when you haven’t accomplished anything yet, and 2) Be willing to show your imperfections and vulnerability.
Anyone who wants to make a place probably values the concept of community.
I heard something during the event from a man named Mr. Kitakazu, that I cannot stop thinking about since. He said, “Community is destiny. We are all one of the dragon balls, scattered all over the world.” (If you’ve ever read/watched Dragonball, this reference will make sense to you).
In the Dragonball anime, if each of the dragonballs are collected and brought together, a dragon is summoned, who grants any wish. In essence, our society is filled with people who are scattered in different directions, who, if they were able to come together, could make something magical happen. This is our role as people who form communities.

Upon hearing him say this, I thought that he had quite a wonderful imagination, and also that his idea was very true.
I also think that there are many people who have not yet met, with the potential outcome if they were somehow able to meet being far greater than any of them could have imagined individually.
To make a place is to be Goku of the Dragonball anime. If you are looking to collect something that is scattered all over the place, you can thoroughly help yourself by putting the information that you are doing so out there.
It is important to show your stance and strongly affirm what you are trying to accomplish.
Once you’ve announced it to everyone, they will realize, “Oh, this person wants to create a community.”
This realization made by others can help you to achieve your goals.
We tend to avoid offering information about what we’re trying to do until we’ve reached a satisfactory level, rather than showing our imperfections and vulnerabilities.
It is important to show these parts of ourselves in advance, as that is when we need help the most, and it is the time when people are most like to be willing/wanting to lend a helping hand.
It is also important to show these imperfections when building a community, as the building process itself is a beautiful way to form bonds that are the backbone of the concept.

If you find it difficult to come up with your main purpose — your “why” — for building a place, you should begin by offering information about what you’re doing, your hopes and dreams, even if you don’t yet know the purpose. The process of finding the purpose is also something you can share with people. It gives them something to relate to, and shows them who you are and what you’re all about.

1. Find your purpose.
2. Offer Information.
Please keep these 2 things in mind when beginning this crucial phase in the making of your place.

Due to having participated in this event, I was able to reflect on some of my experiences.
Thank you to all those who came to our event.

*I will write about the next phases: renovating the hostel, and having just opened the hostel, in the next blog post.
