
接客にマニュアルなんてない。~There is no manual for service. ~









そんな感情が芽生えたので、今回は僕がゲストハウスwaya, yuyuにくるゲストに対して、接客の際に意識していることを書いていこうと思います。



















1, ゲストの体調はどうか

2, 満足のいく観光だったか

3, 積極的に会話をしたいか

1, ゲストの体調はどうか






2, 満足のいく観光だったか












3, 積極的に会話をしたいか














In my day-to-day life, I'm constantly concerned with the concept of service.
There are many types of service, such as hospitality, or forming deep connections with people, or being a cashier at a store.
In the many types of service, the one thing I can't wrap my head around is the type of person who works like a robot, going about their business without even a bit of eye contact.
I can't understand why one would behave in such a manner.
I get that it's just a way for them to make a living, and so they just need to get the job done, but in service, it doesn't work that way.
I think people without an understanding of the importance of hospitality, are better off doing work that doesn't involve serving others in some manner. The general attitude is that a machine could do the job just as well - an attitude that makes me sick to my stomach.

I've had these feelings pent up inside for a while, so I decided to write about a few things I keep in mind when interacting with guests at Waya and Yuyu.

1. Smile and make eye contact.

It may seem so obvious, but it is amazing how many people seem to either not have this ability, or not care enough to do so.
Especially the eye contact, seems to be an issue. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's just nervousness, or fear.
Many convenience store cashiers, for example, tend to look down, finish the money exchange, and say "Thank you" in a low voice that lacks a hint of genuineness. I find myself asking, was that thank you even directed at me? Or is it just a part of that robotic process?
I know people don't generally care about the attitude of a convenience store worker. The purpose of the store is convenience, and the quality of service behind the counter doesn't affect that convenience, but when I experience this, I don't feel good. (That is not to generalize convenience store workers of course, as there are many who do take their jobs seriously, and on the flip-side, the aforementioned type of worker can be found in any type of service, from restaurants to hotels to department stores).

Unlike in a convenience store, in a hostel, we have to be very conscious of this eye contact and smiling factor. A hostel is not a business where people will just come regardless of their treatment. We try to create genuine relationships, to the point that we want to meet people again, and to that point, we have many regulars. Smiling and eye contact may not seem like a huge deal, but they are a huge part of the impression you make.

2. Keeping in mind 3 magic questions.

This is more specific to a hostel than in general, but I always make sure to ask the following 3 things to guests at our place:

How are you?
Where did you go?
How was it?

These questions are simple to an extreme, but if you ask them, you can gather 3 crucial bits of information.

1. The guest's physical and mental state.
2. If they were satisfied with their sightseeing/activity that day.
3. Whether or not they are in the mood for talking.

Knowing a guest's physical condition is important, especially when dealing with non-Japanese, as they are not as acclimated to Japan, and thus can get sick easier.
If you simply ask "how are you?", you can get a grasp on their state, and you can reassure them that if they need anything, you are there for them. "How are you?" is a question that, when used properly, can make a guest feel safe and secure.

When asking about their day, you can get to know a guest fairly quickly.
Different people want different things; whether it's a good meal in a restaurant, a quiet location surrounded by nature, a place where they can keep busy with activities, or just interesting people to meet.

When trying to understand what a guest wants, the questions "Where did you go?" and "How was it?" are as useful as it gets.
Once we've heard about what they've already experienced and how they felt about it, we have a good enough idea of who they are, to the point that we can tailor-make a plan for them, or simply give them good suggestions if that is more their style.

I always keep in mind the thought that, I want these people to have an amazing time in Sapporo. I go about giving any and every service with this mindset. These questions are crucial in allowing me to do so.

The last point about figuring out if the guest is in the mood for talking to us is of great importance.
Some guests want to chat the night away, and others wish to be alone after a long day.
If you leave guests alone when they are actually interested in having a conversation with you, or talking to a guest who actually wants to be alone, you are giving them a gift that they don't actually want. It is a burden in disguise.
You have to get an idea of what they want. The 3 questions above are a great way of figuring that out. Ask them, and then observe carefully to figure out their current mood.
As the staff of a hostel, this ability is crucial.

Make a conscious effort to keep eye contact, smile, and ask these questions, and you may find that their importance, until now, had gone severely overlooked.
Beyond these points, there is no manual for service, so you need to figure out each customer's needs, one by one.

That is the way to be truly considerate, and that is the key to hospitality.

Whether you run a small store, hostel, cafe, or anything else that deals with human connections, you have to deal with each person individually. Before thinking of the complexities within these interactions, why not start out with a simple smile?
