
Who can teach you how to play the piano better, AI app or actual piano teacher?

Simply Piano



そこで思いついたのが、AI アプリ。実際に試してみたのは、「Simply Piano」と「flowkey」です。どちらも、弾いている電子ピアノの音を聴きとってくれ、かつ、複数のトレーニングコースが用意されています。

I was looking for a piano teacher because the piano teacher who had taught my kids for several years had moved away this March. However, I could not find a next teacher who was willing to come to my house.
That's when I came up with the AI app. I actually tried "Simply Piano" and "flowkey."

Both of them listen to the sound of the electronic piano you are playing and also offer multiple training courses.
Best of all, after each lesson, the AI praises you for a job well done, so you can enjoy it as if it were a game.
My kids were immediately riveted. Now, I would like to see a while how well the kids actually learn to play the piano.

UnsplashGiancarlo Duarteが撮影した写真
