
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Advertising and Analytics

Our app uses modules provided by the following third-party providers for the purpose of delivering ads and improving the quality of the app, and these providers may collect user information. The information collected is processed as anonymous analysis and statistical results that cannot be used to identify individuals, and is sent to our company by each provider. For information about the information collected, the purpose of use, and the provision to third parties, please refer to the privacy policy of each provider below.

Google AdMob (Google LLC)
Displaying ads for the app
Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=en

About images used in the app

Our app uses photos taken by users and images in the library in the app. These images are used only in the app and are not sent or saved to our company-controlled servers.

Terms of Service

Regarding the use of the app

We strive to improve the safety and fix bugs in our app, and provide support as much as possible. However, the developer shall not be liable for any damages caused by the user's use of the app.

If you have any questions, please contact us at reminder.butler.appmaster@gmail.com.
