エピソード3「ラージの家族との夕食のシーン」の謎:Netflix版ドラマ『三体』 2024/04/10開始


TUDUM BY NETFLIXと題されている。どういう意味だろうか?



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The creators reveal the clues you might have missed in the series.
APRIL 10, 2024

エピソード3: ラージの家族との夕食のシーン

パートナーの両親に会うことは、最良の状況であってもストレスが溜まりやすく、威圧感を感じるものですが、少なくとも、それによって彼らのルーツや価値観を垣間見ることができます。ジン(ジェス・ホン)が彼氏であるラージ・ヴァルマ(サーマー・ウスマーニ)の家族に会うシーンは、まさにその場合です。王立海軍大学でトップクラスの成績を収めた海軍士官であるラージは、軍事家族出身です — 彼の父親は、カルギル戦争中にヒマラヤでインド陸軍の小隊の隊長を務めていました。



Episode 3: The dinner scene with Raj’s family

Meeting your partner’s parents is stressful and intimidating at the best of times, but at least it allows you a glimpse into their roots and values. That’s certainly the case when Jin (Jess Hong) meets her boyfriend Raj Varma’s (Saamer Usmani) family in Episode 3. A naval officer who was at the top of his class at the Royal Naval College, Raj comes from a military family — his father was the captain of a platoon in the Indian Army fighting in the Himalayas during the Kargil War.

Over dinner, Raj’s dad shares that as his soldiers were about to die of hypoxia, he played dead and sneaked into an enemy Pakistani camp, where he made the difficult choice to kill them all in order to take their oxygen and save his men. That win tipped the balance of the conflict and earned Raj’s father India’s highest military honor, the Param Vir Chakra. It also taught Raj that, in war, killing the enemy is justifiable if it ensures your own kind’s survival.

In Episode 5, Raj lacks remorse when using Auggie’s (Eiza González) nanofiber technology to kill Mike Evans’ (Jonathan Pryce) entire organization on the Judgment Day tanker. He did this to retrieve Evans’ hard drive of communications with the San-Ti. For Raj, the possibility of securing the hard drive outweighs the potential loss of life, but he clashes with Auggie, who’s devastated at the thought of sacrificing any innocent humans for the sake of the “greater good.” Does this foreshadow more of what’s to come with Raj?

