
人生で出会う人々の生活を前向きに ナマタさん|現地パートナースタッフ









私はPLASが資金提供するBRIGHTプロジェクトの管理者です。2014年からPLASの資金提供を受けたプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。紙ビーズのIGAPBプロジェクト、カフェビジネスのIGACBプロジェクト、そして今ではスキルのある若者向けのBRIGHTプロジェクトを経験しています。毎日、若者や若いお母さんを導き、彼らがより良くなるよう励まし、より明るい未来への希望を与え、自尊心・価値・自信を育んでいます。 BRIGHTプロジェクトでは、多くの家族が絶望・鬱病・悲痛・依存から、自立・幸せな笑顔へと変化してきました。かつて意気消沈していた個々人は、再び夢を見て、計画し、希望をいだく余裕ができました。彼らは情報に基づいた選択・事業の運営・財政の管理・利益の再投資をすることができます。





I am Elizabeth Namata; a woman by gender, a mother by choice, an auntie by default, a baker by vocation, a makeup artist by passion and a mentor by calling. I am the third born in a family of six (2 boys, 4 girls) raised by the World’s Best Mom. I love traveling, reading books and watching movies. I have strong reverence for God, compassion, empathy and selflessness. I pride myself in strong will, dedication, commitment and perseverance. 

Initially I took up the job because I wanted to better my standards of living, take care of my mum and my siblings while serving the community. Coincidentally, I realized I can strongly relate with and understand single mothers, children struggling with poverty and its adverse effects, youths and vulnerable populations. I then purposed to leave a positive impact in the lives of people that cross my path. 
I am the Project Officer for the BRIGHT Project funded by PLAS-Japan. I have been working on PLAS funded projects since 2014. I have seen myself sail through IGAPB project for paper beads, IGACB project for Café business and now BRIGHT project for skilling youths. I live each day guiding youths and young mothers, encouraging them to be better, giving hope for a brighter tomorrow and nurturing self-esteem, worth and confidence. The BRIGHT project has seen many families transform from hopelessness, depression, bitterness and dependence to self-reliance, financial independence and happy smiles. The once depressed individuals can afford to dream, plan and hope again. They are able to make informed choices, run their businesses, manage their finances and re-invest the profits. 

We are slowly breaking the vicious cycle of poverty, dependence and rejection. Better still, we believe the children of these youths will not feel the harsh blows of life that their parents have felt. Although the journey is still long, we are grateful that we have taken the first steps; all which would not have been possible if not for our Japanese funders- PLAS. I know this is a collective effort of various friends, well-wishers, front liners and those who wish to stay anonymous.
 I am forever indebted and will always be grateful to the helping hands and minds. It is not out of the abundance that you have, but out of the goodness of your hearts and willingness to touch other people’s lives that you give selflessly. I hope and pray that this spirit will continue and that the good God will multiply and bless each hand that gives!!
