
Diary 20230229-20230306



I’ve been feeling unwell so I needed to cancel the trial Pilates class. Not very bad, and I was able to spend but I think I should try not to push myself too hard..


I got Covid for the first time. I would have thought it was a bad cold, so it hasn’t been that bad. At this point, I have a mild fever (36.7 ~ 37.3℃, which is maybe quite high as my body temperature is usually low, like 35.8℃) and tiredness/mild pain in joints. I occasionally cough. I think it’ll pass if I just rest. As I don’t feel that bad, this might be a good chance to do something, but I don’t feel like doing anything. Watching or reading something also makes me tired, so I’ll allow me to just lay down, doing nothing, which is a bit difficult, too. Why do we feel like we have to do something.. Outside seems nice with warmer temperature, so I might want to take a walk tomorrow if I feel better.


Although I start to cough right after I got up, I felt lighter this morning. My body temperature has been hovering around 36.5 ~ 37.0℃, which is actually the ideal if you’re healthy. My mom started to feel sick, obviously because of me. She doesn’t look so bad right now. I hope she won’t get worse as mine was quite light. So, I had no choice but going grocery shopping. It was fine and refreshing, but felt tired so I guess I’m still recovering.


It’s a bit sad not to be able to go anywhere on a beautiful, warm and sunny Sunday like this. But actually I kind of enjoy spending time like a cat, laying down on my bed, dozing, spacing out, watching easy YouTube videos…and also doing laundry, cooking and eating.  Also, as my condition gets better, emails from clients are also coming in. Part of me still wanted to keep my works out, but I ended up starting a translation work that I got the text today.


I’ve had a stuffy nose since morning, and while all other symptoms are seemingly gone (except for coughing), my head feels foggy again and doesn’t feel nice. My mom is suffering from a severe pain in her throat, so I took her to the doctor. It didn’t go as smooth as when I did, but that’s another story. I hope this nose stuff is the last phase of this illness. I feel tired and don’t feel like cooking tonight.


So, I didn’t have my sense of smell yesterday, is what I figured. The definite moment was when I cut and ate an orange after dinner, and also when I smelt my soap in bathroom. I could definitely breathe in some air, but it was just air. It felt worse than I’d imagined, and I felt desperate. I was really happy when I could smell the rainy, dump air just a little bit this morning. Now I can smell 30-40% of what I usually smell. I hope it comes back soon! All of my senses are important!


I still only have 30% (maybe less) of my sense of smell. Today I tried coffee for the first time in maybe a week, because I didn’t want it that much, which is interesting, too. I thought I just barely smell it, but actually, it felt like I can’t sense a certain smell when I smelt coffee. I can smell something, but it’s not what I think as the smell of coffee. Something is missing. Also when I had chocolate, it tasted strange. Sad. It’s okay, but sad. My acupuncture therapist said, “If the virus is manmade, they did a pretty good job of making people miserable”. Funny.


