













Thank you so much for your warm farewell.

Nearly four years have passed since I decided to participate in launching SG&I in January 2020. It's literally a zero to one journey.

When I first heard about it, I declined, saying, 'Even if we build a Ferrari engine, it's useless without a driver.' But then I was told, 'The drivers will follow. If this doesn't work, then Fujitsu is hopeless too, so you can just quit then.'

With that in mind, I decided to give it a try and broke all the conventions and old practices to build this organization. Since then, unique members who shared our vision began to gather. I truly felt that a Ferrari engine was being built.

At last year's winter Evoke dinner, I was honored and welcomed by everyone. The moment I looked around at everyone's faces, I felt, 'The launch of this organization has been successfully completed,' and I was reminded of three years ago.

'Even if we build a Ferrari engine, it's useless without a driver.'

There is still so much left undone,
The engine is not yet complete,
There's still so much I want to do

But now is the time to create the drivers, or my own curse will come true. That's what I felt. The words said to me back then, 'The drivers will follow,' meant that I would become the driver!

A sash is handed over to you and I am becoming a driver myself to see new drivers. To let the prancing horse unleash its full potential.

Each member of SG&I is a hope for the company. Always looking forward, creating new value. A hope that becomes everyone's refuge.

Make sure this never turns into envy, but rather share the light of hope with as many people as possible.

The future is optimistic. I am grateful to everyone who gave me such hope.
