
Watching "Titanic"



It was a movie day for my husband and I today. 

We have seen numerous films together, and this time, we chose one of the most well-known and moving movies from the 90's, "Titanic".

After the movie, we exchanged our thoughts on the story. In fact, we decided to write a short essay about it. It was intriguing to see how he would analyze the story, so I decided to post our analyses on note. 

*Please note this is only our analysis and is not something official.*

Analyzing the Last Scene

Out of all the scenes, I analyzed one of the last scenes in the movie, in which Rose throws her diamond necklace to the sea. My husband asked, "Why would she throw it? I don't understand it." 

It is apparent that she doesn't need the accessory anymore. But why? That is because she has finished telling the story of Jack to her granddaughter and the researchers. 

Although there is no record of Jack left, she is now sure that he will not only live in her heart, but also in the hearts of the others who heard his story and life. I presume Rose believes that to live is to be remembered. 

Needless to say, Jack is an important character of the story. He is the one who opens Rose's heart and illustrates that to love is to accept each other for who they are.

To Love Each Other

This leads to one of the major themes of this movie, love. I believe this film tells us that to love is to celebrate each other's differences

While Rose learns to accept Jack and loves him for who he is just like he did, Rose's mother adamantly refuses him. (Interestingly, in the climax of the movie, Rose has a life jacket on, but Jack is seen without a life jacket. This may emphasize and symbolize the inequality between the rich and the poor.) As an antagonist, Rose's mother survives, but she loses her relationship with her daughter. 

The outcome of the family reminds us of what we need in our society right now. There are hate crimes towards Asians in some parts of the world, and even within Japan, some of the medical workers who should be deeply appreciated have been treated unfairly. Of course, we are in the thick of continuous uncertainty, but that does not make it right to treat other people unequally. 

It is said that especially in times of uncertainty, people are inclined to regard someone as an enemy because he or she doesn't know the other person well. 

If we try to take a step further in knowing the people around us, I am sure that it will impact the way we treat them. 

In times of uncertainty, love may be something that will help the world be a better place for all of us. 


be in the thick of ~:〜の真っ只中にいる

regard sb an enemy: 敵視する

take a step further: もう一歩踏み込む
