
ナイル川についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


The Nile River

The Nile River, stretching over 6,650 kilometers, is not only the longest river in Africa but also a vital source of sustenance for the nations along its banks. For centuries, it has played a critical role in the development of civilizations, providing water, food, and transportation. Its annual flooding deposits rich silt along the riverbanks, creating fertile land for agriculture, which has been the backbone of the region's economy. Additionally, the river is a major source of hydroelectric power, contributing significantly to energy production in countries like Egypt and Sudan.

However, managing the Nile's resources has its challenges. The construction of dams, while beneficial for controlling floods and generating electricity, has also led to environmental concerns. These include the displacement of communities and alterations to the ecosystem, affecting the natural habitat of numerous species. Moreover, the competition for water among the Nile Basin countries has sometimes led to tensions, as the river's water is crucial for their agricultural and energy needs. The delicate balance between development and sustainability is a constant concern.

The future of the Nile River hinges on cooperation and sustainable management. Initiatives are underway to promote collaborative efforts among the Nile Basin countries to address water sharing and environmental preservation. For example, the Nile Basin Initiative aims to enhance cooperation and share the benefits of the river's resources equitably. Through such collaborations, it is hoped that the Nile can continue to be a source of life and prosperity for the region, while also protecting its environmental heritage.


  1. What is one of the primary reasons the Nile River is considered vital for the regions along its banks?

    • A) Its role in international trade

    • B) Its ability to generate hydroelectric power

    • C) The fertile land created by its annual flooding

    • D) The tourism it attracts

  2. What is a major challenge in managing the Nile's resources?

    • A) The development of urban areas along the river

    • B) Environmental concerns arising from dam construction

    • C) Lack of fish in the river

    • D) The river's length making it hard to navigate

  3. Which initiative aims to promote cooperation among Nile Basin countries?

    • A) The African Union's Water Resource Strategy

    • B) The Nile River Project

    • C) The Nile Basin Initiative

    • D) The Sustainable Nile Development Program


  1. 回答: C) The fertile land created by its annual flooding
    解説: The annual flooding of the Nile River deposits rich silt along the riverbanks, making the land fertile and ideal for agriculture, which is a critical aspect of the region's economy.

  2. 回答: B) Environmental concerns arising from dam construction
    解説: While dams provide benefits such as flood control and electricity generation, they also raise environmental issues, including habitat alteration and community displacement.

  3. 回答: C) The Nile Basin Initiative
    解説: The Nile Basin Initiative is a regional effort aimed at promoting cooperation and equitable resource sharing among the countries through which the Nile flows, addressing both water sharing and environmental protection.





