
【抄訳】ISW ロシアによる攻勢戦役評価 2055 ET 21.09.2023 “ザポリージャ州西部におけるウクライナ攻勢の進展”


Ukrainian armored vehicles are operating beyond the final line of the Russian defensive layer that Ukrainian forces in western Zaporizhia Oblast are currently penetrating, although ISW is not yet prepared to assess that Ukrainian forces have broken fully through this Russian defensive layer. Geolocated footage posted on September 21 indicates that Ukrainian armored vehicles advanced south of the Russian anti-tank ditches and dragon’s teeth obstacles that are part of a tri-layered defense and engaged in limited combat immediately west of Verbove (18km southeast of Orikhiv). It is unclear if Ukrainian forces retain these positions, however. This is the first observed instance of Ukrainian forces operating armored vehicles beyond the Russian tri-layer defense. The presence of Ukrainian armored vehicles beyond the final line of the current Russian defensive layer indicates that the Ukrainians have secured their breach of the first two lines of this layer sufficiently to operate vehicles through the breach. Ukrainian forces have likely suppressed Russian artillery and other anti-tank systems in the area enough to bring their vehicles forward. The Ukrainian ability to bring armored vehicles to and through the most formidable Russian defenses intended to stop them and to operate these vehicles near prepared Russian defensive positions are important signs of progress in the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Additional geolocated footage published on September 20 and 21 indicates that Ukrainian forces also advanced west and southwest of Verbove.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on September 21 that Ukrainian forces have breached the main Russian defensive line in western Zaporizhia Oblast with armored vehicles, citing an unnamed Ukrainian officer serving in the area. WSJ also reported that Ukrainian forces have advanced to the edge of Novoprokopivka (16km south of Orikhiv), although ISW has not observed visual confirmation of this report as of this publication.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, September 21, 2023, ISW





Russian forces currently defending in western Zaporizhia Oblast have been unable to prevent Ukrainian forces from making gradual but steady advances since mid-August. ISW has consistently observed Ukrainian forces making slow but regular advances in western Zaporizhia Oblast despite the Russian military’s lateral redeployment of elements of relatively elite units to reinforce Russian defensive operations in western Zaporizhia Oblast. The Russian military laterally redeployed elements of the 7th Guards Mountain Airborne (VDV) Division and the 76th Guards VDV Division to the Robotyne area in mid-August to repel Ukrainian attacks and possibly to relieve elements of the 22nd and 45th Separate Spetsnaz Brigades that had been counterattacking against Ukrainian advances during the earlier phases of Ukrainian counteroffensive operations. Geolocated footage published on September 20 and 21 shows elements of the 22nd Guards Spetsnaz Brigade operating west of Verbove (18km southeast of Orikhiv), suggesting that the Russian command has tactically transferred elements of the 22nd Guards Spetsnaz Brigade to support VDV elements already observed defending in the area. A Ukrainian soldier defending in southern Ukraine told the WSJ in an article published on September 21 that Russian troops defending front-line trenches are “poor-quality,” but that counterattacking assault troops are “stronger.” The Ukrainian soldier’s statements are consistent with ISW’s observations that relatively elite Russian Spetsnaz and VDV elements appear to be the primary counterattack elements in western Zaporizhia Oblast.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, September 21, 2023, ISW





  • ウクライナ軍戦略コミュニケーション局は、サキ(セヴァストポリ北方60km)付近のロシア軍空港に対して、複合的な攻撃を実施したことを発表した。ウクライナ側メディアによると、ウクライナ軍はロシア軍防空システムを抑え込む目的でドローンを発射し、その後、ネプチューン・ミサイルによる攻撃を実行したという。この攻撃の結果に関して、ISWでは詳細を確認できないが、ウクライナ保安庁の関係者によると、この空港に何らか深刻なダメージを与えたとのことだ。

  • 9月20日、ウクライナ軍はクリミアにあるロシア黒海艦隊司令部第744通信センターも攻撃した。衛星画像によって、ヴェルフノサドヴェ(セヴァストポリ北東16km)付近に位置する指揮所のかなりの部分を破壊したことが分かる。ウクライナ軍は最近、ロシア黒海艦隊の施設への攻撃を続けているが、それはロシア黒海艦隊が担っている役割に起因する。同艦隊は水上・水中戦力のみならず、サキ基地の航空戦力も管理運用しており、クリミアを経由するロシア軍兵站線に関する責任も負っている模様だ。ロシア黒海艦隊は単なる海軍戦力以上の存在であり、同艦隊へのウクライナ軍の攻撃は、ロシア海軍戦力の低下以上の影響をもたらす結果になる可能性が高い。
