
【抄訳】ISW ロシアによる攻勢戦役評価 1700 ET 24.10.2023 “ロシア軍の国産ドローンと女性兵士”ほか



Russia appears to be increasingly supplementing the use of Shahed-131/136 drones with cheaper and lighter domestically produced drone variants during strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure. Russian media speculated on October 23 that Russian forces used new long-range "Italmas" drones and Italmas variants for the first time in Ukraine during a drone attack on Kyiv Oblast. Russian sources noted that Italmas drones are lighter than Shaheds and are harder to detect and shoot down. Russian milbloggers noted that Italmas drones are cheaper than Shaheds, which means that they can be more widely manufactured and used, but that they deliver lighter payloads, which restricts their usefulness in isolation. Russian sources noted, therefore, that Russian forces will likely use the Italmas drones in tandem with Shaheds. ISW previously assessed that Russia is likely trying to expand and diversify its arsenal of drones, missiles, and guided bombs for strikes against Ukrainian critical infrastructure in advance of the fall-winter season, and increased use of Italmas drones is likely part of the wider munitions diversification effort.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 24, 2023, ISW




The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD)-affiliated "Redut" private military company (PMC) is reportedly trying to recruit women into combat roles. An investigation by Russian opposition outlet Vazhnye Istorii found on October 23 that Redut's "Borz" Battalion began to advertise recruitment for women for combat roles such as snipers and drone operators. Vazhnye Istorii noted that the majority of women currently serving in the Russian armed forces are operating in combat support roles, including predominantly as medics and cooks, so the appearance of more women in combat roles that are traditionally held by men is noteworthy. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced in March 2023 that around 1,100 female personnel were serving the combat zone in Ukraine, and it appears that the Russian MoD has intensified recruitment efforts targeting women in recent months.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, October 24, 2023, ISW



前線の動向:ウクライナ戦況地図(1500 ET 24.10.2023)の抄訳


  1. 10月23日投稿の動画で、撮影地点特定が可能なものによって、ロシア軍がアウジーウカ北方の石炭屑集積場へと進んだことが分かる。(アウジーウカ〜ドネツィク市方面

  2. 10月23日、ロシア側情報筋の一つは、ロシア軍がヴァシュキウカを占領したと主張した。(バフムート方面

  3. 10月23日投稿の動画で、撮影地点特定が可能なものによって、ウクライナ軍がアンドリーウカ付近で鉄道線の東側へと進んだことが分かる。(バフムート方面

  4. 10月23日投稿の動画で、撮影地点特定が可能なものによって、ロシア軍がプリユトネの北方で前進したことが分かる。(ドネツィク・ザポリージャ州境方面

  5. 10月24日投稿の動画で、撮影地点特定が可能なものによって、ウクライナ軍がロボティネ西方で前進したことが分かる。(ザポリージャ州西部方面

