
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 【米大統領選2024】 ハリス副大統領はトランプ前大統領に勝てるのか? 民主党で期待高まる

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ dwarfed by | ~とは比べものにならない

significantly smaller or less impressive compared to another. 御伽話の小人の意味を持つdwarfですが、動詞だと「小さくする」「成長を妨げる」の意に。
It was the kind of event that the first female, black and South Asian American vice-president has regularly attended throughout her three-and-a-half years as Joe Biden’s deputy, usually trailed by a small press pack dwarfed by that which follows the president himself.

■ woeful | 精彩を欠いた

マイルドな訳になっていますが、full of woeなので「悲惨な」「悲痛な」「非常に劣った」がwoefulの通常の意。
But as panicked Democrats a thousand miles away in Washington weighed replacing 81-year-old Joe Biden as the party’s candidate for November’s election following his woeful and sometimes incomprehensible debate performance against Donald Trump, the number of reporters trailing Ms Harris had swelled to dozens.

■ heavily-scrutinised | 強烈に精査された

something has been thoroughly examined or subject to intense scrutiny. scrutinizeは「細かい所まで徹底的に調べる」。
Since the debate and its fall-out, Ms Harris has altered her schedule to stick close to the president. She appeared at a heavily-scrutinised meeting last Wednesday where Mr Biden sought to reassure powerful Democratic governors about his fitness for office.


