
BBC英語ニュースmemo | ゼレンスキー氏、国連事務総長のウクライナ訪問拒否 ロシアでのBRICS会議出席に反発

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ instigator | 張本人 / 煽動者

a person who causes something to happen, especially something bad. 他者を刺激し行動を促す人。
"The president did not confirm his visit," the source told the BBC. "After Kazan and after he shook hands with the war’s instigator and spent UN Day on the territory of the aggressor country, it would be somehow strange to host him here."

■ dismay | 落胆

a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment. 動詞では「やる気をなくさせる」「がっかり(幻滅)させる」。「in dismay」で「驚きと失望で」。
Guterres' visit to Russia - who launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 - was met with dismay across Ukraine.

■ in line with | に沿った

in agreement with. …と合致している/…に従っている。「in line」は「一致協力して」。
During the Brics summit in Kazan, Guterres issued a statement that said: "We need peace in Ukraine. A just peace in line with the UN Charter, international law and General Assembly resolutions."

