
風邪にGoodなレモン・ジンジャーティー/Lemon Ginger Tea with Coconut Oil for Cold or Flu



1.しょうが汁 お好きなだけ。私は2~3cmくらいをすりおろして、しょうが汁を取ります。

2.レモン汁 レモン半分

3.はちみつ お好きなだけ 多めがおいしいです。私は大さじ山盛り1杯

4.ココナッツオイル 小さじ1~2くらい お好きなだけ。



Lemon Ginger Tea with Coconut Oil

Ingredients: for 1 mug

1. Ginger juice:  As much as you like. I grated about 2 to 3 cm and squeezed out the ginger juice.

2. Lemon juice: for half a lemon

3. Honey: As much as you like. I love honey. So I use about 1 tablespoon

4. Coconut oil:  1-2 teaspoons

Just put the above ingredients in a mug and add freshly boiled water to it!

Addictive taste! Even if you don't have a cold or Flu, you can drink it anytime, day and night. Ginger tea, which warms the body in cold weather, is easier to drink with coconut oil.
