
HSY Day6 新しいライフスタイル New lifestyle 新生活方式

(The English text is below. 中文文本如下。)
今日の中国語 Today’s Chinese : 小心=Be careful



Gaga Classes Online



Some news said that emergency declarations will start tomorrow (April 7, 2020). People’s panic may occur again. I decided to buy daily necessities before the panic, so I went to a supermarket (not a buyout). Cherry blossoms are beautiful. I finished the shopping with maximum care.

I'm happy that my body is moving more and more because of yoga and dancing in my room every day. Especially Gaga's online dance classes are really fun.

Gaga Classes Online

Connect to a dance instructor's room in Tel Aviv or New York by Zoom. Hundreds of people are connected at the same time, and my voice and face can be shut, so I can participate easily. The lack of tension is nice for me, different from usual workshop. English is not difficult, and basically it’s OK to just catch up the teacher's movement. As receiving the classes several times, I can understand Gaga's unique dance philosophy (maybe). After dancing for about 30 to 40 minutes, I'm glad to see the faces of the participants who say "thank you!" It means, I am dancing with someone somewhere in the world. At least they are alive!

I often participate at New York 9PM, Tel Aviv 9AM, and Tel Aviv 11AM. When I fly to a linked website, I can choose my preferred time from the "Updates" items with a green line. I don't see many Japanese people, but once I saw an acquaintance of Minori (my partner) on the screen.

Price system depends on donation. There are already a lot of donations. I think this is not only a contribution to the people who are suffering serious situations in the world, but also a new wonderful business.

......The coronavirus disaster is changing our way of economy and lifestyle. Of course, it’s not possible to switch all occupations to telework. But if at least those who can do it switch to a new form, the scary crowded trains and traffic will be alleviated. As a result, people should be better able to live (and breath deeply). I hope that bad habits and mentality, such as going to work or school even if they are sick, will be eradicated.
I want to keep my appreciation for those who support logistics, living infrastructure and medical sites. Can we break bad chains in a society where people don’t regard a human as a human, and can we shift to a society where people can live at their own pace? I think this situation is also an opportunity to new business, new economy, new education, new entertainment, and new art... (C)



Gaga Classes Online

通過Zoom連接到特拉維夫或紐約的舞蹈指導室。數百人同時連接,我的聲音和臉龐可以關閉,因此我可以輕鬆參與。與通常的工作坊不同,缺乏緊張感對我來說是件好事。英語並不難,基本上可以跟上老師的動作。通過幾次上課,我可以理解加加(也許)的獨特舞蹈哲學。跳舞大約30到40分鐘後,我很高興看到參與者說 “謝謝!”的面孔。這意味著,我正在和世界某個地方的人跳舞。至少他們還活著!

我經常參加紐約9PM,特拉維夫9AM,特拉維夫11AM。當我飛往鏈接的網站時,可以從 “Updates” 項中以綠線選擇我的首選時間。我沒有看到很多日本人,但是有一次我在屏幕上看到了Minori(我的伴侶)的熟人。



我要感謝那些支持物流,生活基礎設施和醫療場所的人們。在人們不以人類為人的社會中,我們可以打破壞鎖鏈嗎? 我們可以轉向人們可以按照自己的節奏生活的社會嗎? 我認為這種情況也是機會:新商業,新經濟,新教育,新娛樂和新藝術……(C)

