


さて、ChatGPT はニコマス倫理学の最初の二巻を先に読めと述べるが、日本語への翻訳者の渡辺さんは三巻目で最初に読めという(『ニコマス倫理学(上)』(18頁)。この違いはどこにあるのか?ChatGPTに聞いてみた。

Okude: what a difference between to read vol 1 and 2 and to read vol 1, 2 and 3 at the beginning of Aristotle Ethics study?


There is a significant difference between reading only Books I and II versus reading Books I, II, and III at the beginning of your study of Aristotle's Ethics, particularly in terms of the complexity and range of ideas you'll be introduced to.

Books I and II of the Nicomachean Ethics lay the foundational concepts of Aristotle's ethical philosophy. As mentioned earlier, Book I introduces the concept of 'the good' and the ultimate aim of life (eudaimonia), while Book II introduces the concept of moral virtue and the idea that virtues are habits we develop through practice.

Adding Book III to your initial reading introduces new and more complex ideas. This book addresses the concept of voluntary and involuntary actions, responsibility, and choice. It goes into detail about moral responsibility, a concept central to Aristotle's ethics. It also begins to discuss particular virtues like courage and temperance.

Including Book III in your initial reading will give you a more complete and nuanced understanding of Aristotle's ethical philosophy. It's a deeper dive, and it adds a layer of complexity, but it also prepares you for the more detailed discussions of individual virtues and ethical dilemmas in the following books.

That said, whether to include Book III in your initial reading depends on your comfort level with philosophical texts, your available time for study, and your interest level. If you feel confident after reading Books I and II, you might decide to proceed to Book III. If, however, you feel you need more time to digest the foundational concepts, it may be better to focus on Books I and II initially, and then move on to Book III after discussing and clarifying the concepts and ideas presented in the first two books. Remember, the aim is not speed, but comprehension and thoughtful engagement with the text.





最初の読書に第三巻を含めることで、アリストテレスの倫理哲学に対するより完全でニュアンスのある理解が得られます。これはより深い潜水(a deeper dive)であり、複雑さの層を追加しますが、次の書物での個々の美徳と倫理的ジレンマのより詳細な議論にも準備します。



Okude: So you think to read vol1 and 2 first is better way to understand Ethics for the beginner?


As a tutor, I would say that it's often a good strategy for beginners to start with Books I and II of Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics. These books provide the foundational concepts of his ethical theory and give students a solid grounding from which to tackle the more complex ideas presented in the subsequent books.

Book I introduces the concept of the 'good' and the ultimate goal of life, which Aristotle identifies as 'eudaimonia', often translated as 'happiness' or 'flourishing'. He also begins to discuss the role of reason and virtue in achieving this good life.

Book II introduces the concept of moral virtue and proposes that virtues are habits we develop through practice. It presents the doctrine of the mean, a key concept in Aristotle's ethics that holds that every virtue lies between two vices - one of excess and one of deficiency.

By focusing on these two books initially, beginners can build a solid understanding of these key ideas before moving on to more advanced concepts in the later books. It's like learning to walk before you try to run.

However, every student is different and the best approach can vary depending on the student's background, comfort with philosophical texts, and personal learning style. As a tutor, I would work with the student to find the approach that best supports their learning and understanding.


第一巻では、'善'という概念と人生の究極的な目標を紹介し、アリストテレスはそれを 'ユードモニア'と特定します。これはよく '幸福' または '繁栄' と訳されます。彼はまた、このよい人生を達成するための理性と美徳の役割について議論を始めます。
第二巻では、道徳的美徳の概念を紹介し、美徳は私たちが実践を通じて開発する習慣だと提案します。これは、アリストテレスの倫理で重要な概念である中庸の教義を提示します。これは、すべての美徳が二つの悪徳 - 過 excess と deficiency - の間にあるという考え方です。



