
20080201 スケッチとは?


20210222 追記




In the Time Tunnel, I had a chance meeting with an architect and a musician. Although they had completely different jobs, as the meeting progressed, I realized that they had a common problem. There was an increase in the number of cases where the perspective drawings, demo music, sketches, etc. that we had submitted as completion projections were evaluated more highly than the finished product. In another example, a designer said that he dares to submit a comp with the colors suppressed because the vividness of the output from a home printer is sometimes considered more "beautiful" than the final printed state.
The point is this. I'm not convinced at all. As a creator, I don't agree with this at all, but this kind of value system is now covering the entire world. The eyes of viewers and ears of listeners may change with the times, but there is no such thing as a semi-professional or high amateur (what is that?). It is also a sign that the number of people who belong to the halfway position of "semi-professional" or "high amateur" (what is that?) is increasing. I think there's a big difference between people who think, "I could do this," and people who put everything they have into making something.

20210222 Postscript

This is an interesting post. This concern hasn't actually changed at all even now. On the contrary, this kind of mood is getting faster and faster... I've heard it referred to as "100 million creators" several times. I think this is hurting the old-fashioned professionals, as they are now being judged by the number of views and followers they have. Of course, if you're a top-notch professional with a worldwide reputation, you may not have such problems. The quality of "manufacturing" is clearly changing, and the sense that creators are driving the times as in the past (and I mean the past, from the late 1970s to the end of the 1980s, when I was most influenced in my adolescence) is decreasing considerably. Instead, what is coming is a sense of thinking together and being close to everyone. This is the turn of the times, and there is nothing anyone can do about it, but... I don't want to give up the direction of creating highly finished, planned, and sophisticated things. Although I haven't achieved the same level of success as the artists who have influenced me, and I'm still far from my goal, I feel fortunate to be able to see such predecessors.

By the way, my website has been renewed.

